Kef 205/203 Variations (Or Similar?)

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Monstrous, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. Monstrous


    Jan 26, 2011
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    So, looking at a new step up from my Monitor Audio GR10's, as I'm now getting my Hi-Fi ready for moving house!

    I've been looking at something aesthetically pleasing but good to listen to at the same time. Got a budget of about £2k for the speakers and I've been looking at the Kef Reference 203/205's recently to fit the bill. The only problem however, is that I can't audition them (or the MK 2's) anywhere.

    So I'd be interested to know anyone's thoughts on those models or even the difference between those and the MK2's, if anyone knows. If there were even any other speaker suggestions I'm all ears!

    They'll be in a system with a Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista Integrated (or a Chord Integrated) fed from a PC->DAC setup and I'll also be picking up a Gyrodec at some point. Probably a Musical Fidelity M1 DAC or similar.
    Monstrous, Feb 25, 2012
  2. Monstrous

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    Well done on the Gyrodec, which s a very fine thing and will reward you well with a good arm and cartridge.
    Rega and their OEM relatives, plus the various current SME arms all work well with Michell TTs.

    I don't know the KEFs so cannot comment on the sound, however I would urge caution if buying based on the opinion of others. Loudspeaker choice is the most subjective part of the whole hi-fi buying process and they make by far the greatest difference to a system performance. Buying electronics blind or based on opinion is usually reasonably risk free, as despite what appears out on the audiophile fringes, the specs tell you most of what is required.

    The house move will also complicate matters, since following closely on the heels of the loudspeaker in determining system performance are the room acoustics. So my suggestion is to get the move done first and then start looking at loudspeakers, once you've been able to make some assessment of the new room.
    RobHolt, Feb 26, 2012
  3. Monstrous


    Jan 26, 2011
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    Cheers, Rob. Can't wait to get the Gyrodec! As much as it's not the proper thing to base anything on, they are just gorgeous!

    I've bought many speakers without listening first and going on opinions about them in comparisons to others I've heard. Never had a problem that way, plus I'm very used to selling things online and wouldn't pay over the odds, so would have no bother passing them on.

    True that the room won't help, but again, there are things you could do to alter how a room sounds that aren't very costly. I'm also trying to gather all the stuff before moving out as I'm very impulsive with money, so I'd end up spending it on one of those lovely new Samsung 8000 series 55" tv's which I am trying to not hit the buy button on right now...

    But yeah, hoping someone would be able to comment on them, maybe even saying how they'd be in a given room... Ah well, I can always hope!
    Monstrous, Feb 26, 2012
  4. Monstrous

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    Ah, if you buy used and don't mind running through a few models, enjoy the journey.
    RobHolt, Feb 27, 2012
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