[URL]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=011&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=320079934444&rd=1&rd=1[/URL] 2m pair of Kimber Kable 8TC terminated with banana plugs on both ends. A 2.5m pair of the new Special Edition 8TC (same wire using a different insulation) sells for 267 pounds. I paid 225 pounds for a 2m pair last June and the cable is still in good condition. Hifi Choice “excellent sense of solidity to the bass and it's very easy to follow……..Across the band, detail and neutrality are first-class and treble is very well extended and open.†5 stars from What Hifi Technology of the Cable i)16 hyper pure copper (8 blue and 8 black) ii)VariStrand conductor geometry – 16 conductors arranged in unique braid iii)Teflon Insulation