Having sold my speakers, here is the matching wire. Kondo copper, surely needs no introduction. This was made up by Definitive specifically for the OBX-R2s, so is colour-coded appropriately. I think the plugs are Air-lock ones. Included is a FULL biwire set, i.e. biwire to the crossover and then to the speakers (often it's single wire to the XO, not this). Each set is about 1½m long. Length is perfect if you have the hifi between the speakers. I did at one point have it to one side, but that is tight. Price is £450; current retail price is £280 per metre... More info: [URL]http://www.audionote.co.jp/index_e.html[/URL] [URL]http://www.soundscapehifi.com/kondo.htm[/URL]