Hi, all. Long time no see. As you know a lot more about computers than I do, perhaps you could help me. My Toshiba Satellite is making horrible noises (fan) when I displace it (and it stays growling for quite a long). I think I ought to consider a new purchase. Now I have been browsing the net to know which brands are more reliable (never mind all the rest). I thought Apple were renowned for reliability, and in fact that is what I found. However, PowerBooks seem to have about 1/7 (or so) possibilities of giving me big trouble. See, for a desperation read, [URL]http://www.infotoday.com/linkup/lud100104-goldsborough.shtml[/URL] and [URL]http://www.macintouch.com/reliability/laptops.html[/URL] Am I right? What are the chances with, say, Toshiba (I owned 2, both gave me trouble; but then Acer also gave me trouble), Sony or Fujitsu?