Any offers for the following (before I go to the dreaded Ebay). - Yes it's a wife sponsored/directed clearout. 1 Linn Kairn an oldie but also a goldie. Serial no 001968. Assembled, tested and packed by MF. Perfect working order and very good visual condition. No original packaging. 2 Karik & Numerik serial nos 000317/000335. Karik by Kenny Leach, Numerik by Maria Ferguson (perhaps the MF above). Perfect working order and good visual condition. No original boxes. 3 LK100 serial nos 008999/009001 by Wilma Boomer & 003268 by Janet Dykes with active cards for Linn Kabers. Working perfectly. nice visual condition. 4 Linn Kabers serial nos 013089/ 013090 by Gordon Wood. In excellent condition with new tweeters. Leads and remote available.