Living Voice Avatar Owners - Seeking Impressions

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Ram18, Aug 3, 2023.

  1. Ram18


    Aug 3, 2023
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    Hi All

    Just joined this group hoping to learn from fellow enthusiasts.

    I recently purchased Living Voice Avatar II speakers second hand but in great condition. The wood finish on the speakers is rather appealing. The Avatars replaced my Klipsch RP speakers. I have been quite impressed with the Avatars' detailed sound yet with a good sense of musicality and emotional feel. Though the Avatar is smaller in size compared to my Klipsch, it gives a room filling sound, a kind of enveloping feel. It doesn't dig as deep in terms of bass, but has good definition and tautness. I have some questions and hope fellow owners could assist:

    1. Do I need to bi-wire the speakers to maximise the quality speakers?
    2. What kind of cables go best with these speakers?
    3. Any other tips on maximising the speakers' potential?

    I run the LV Avatars with a solid state McIntosh C15 preamp and McIntosh 7100 (100 watt) power amp. For cds, I use my Marantz UD 7007 cd player and blusound node 2i for streaming.

    Appreciate your advise and do feel free to share your experiences.


    Ram18, Aug 3, 2023
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