Loading for a Denon DL110

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by johnfromnorwich, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. johnfromnorwich

    johnfromnorwich Tannerd.

    Dec 8, 2005
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    Once again I seek guidance. I've just invested in a Trichord Dino in an effort to get enough gain from a DL110 into my TVC pre. So far so good but my initial attempts at 47KOhm loading (as recommended by Denon) turn my records in to a bass free remix! Some amazing mids to be found in the Kraftwerk back catalogue to be sure but it's a bit lairy without the low end! Has anyone else on here had experience with this combo? I'd sort of assumed that the Denon manual could be trusted but I'm currently trying the 1K / 1.1nF option and it seems to have fattened the bass up a good deal - although at the expense of some perceived treble extension. I assume I can't do any damage by playing around with the settings? Any help appreciated. = John
    johnfromnorwich, Jan 9, 2008
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