Looking for compatible Denon turntable

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Drew_B, Aug 15, 2023.

  1. Drew_B


    Aug 15, 2023
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    Hi, folks. I have been given a Denon stack system Comprising of a UTP-99, UPO-99, UCD-77 and UDRW-99.
    I don't know when it was made, I guess late 80's early 90's as it has both twin cassette decks and a CD player.
    I presume a budget model but it works perfectly, even looks new and CD's sound good. I'm looking for a Denon turntable that goes with this system from the same era. I have lots of old albums I haven't heard for 20 odd years.
    Any suggestion would be appreciated.

    I do have an old Dual 505 that I bought new in the early 8o's and haven't used for used for 20 odd years. Tried it with the above system. Unfortunately I have only got it to play for a few seconds through both speakers and a couple of minutes through 1 speaker , generally it just makes an awful loud hum.
    Fixable ? or Knackered from many years of being moved around.
    Drew_B, Aug 15, 2023
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