Mail And Moving House

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by RDD, Apr 8, 2004.

  1. RDD

    RDD Longterm Lurker

    Jun 25, 2003
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    Bit of advice requested chaps :)

    Having bought my house around six months ago, I'm STILL getting mail through for the last occupant. For about the third time in a row now I've had a letter popped through my door to ask me to take any mail over to his bosom buddy across the road....and quite frankly I'm getting pissed off with it. I feel like his personal bloody postman.

    The final straw came when in the last week I've had a letter through for him from the Inland Revenue (which needless to say I sent back to them ASAP – their the last people I want knocking at my door) and a request to collect and sign for a piece of registered mail from the Post Office!! The latest letter through my door from him expresses concern about this piece of mail in particular....

    So, do you think it would be unreasonable to just chuck the lot in the bin from now on, as I think six months is more than enough. Or do you think I should go one step further, and go as far as to lauch everything I currently have in the bin to? Do any of you have any thoughts or experiences about this?

    RDD, Apr 8, 2004
  2. RDD

    technobear Ursine Audiophile

    Jun 22, 2003
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    You need to talk to this guy. He is clearly allowing all and sundry to believe that he lives at your address. If he is a bit of a lad, so to speak, this could impact negatively on, amongst other things, your credit rating.

    Don't bin the mail!

    Write on it 'Please return to sender. Not known at this address' and stick it in the nearest post box. I realise this is irksome but if you can't talk to him directly, this is a perfectly legal way of getting the message through to him.
    technobear, Apr 8, 2004
  3. RDD

    RDD Longterm Lurker

    Jun 25, 2003
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    Thanks Chris,

    Yeah I'm not sure what he's doing but it's getting irritating now, I've had all sorts of mail through, some that looks personal. I'm not sure if he's still telling people he lives there, but I'm 100% sure he can't be bothered telling anyone he DOESN'T live there :rolleyes:
    RDD, Apr 8, 2004
  4. RDD

    Lord .

    Dec 21, 2003
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    East Sussex.
    Politely tell him to pay for the Post Office's redirection server, otherwise you'll be popping his post back into the post box.
    You only have to write N/K - RTS on the envelope, not the full phrase and also scribble out your address - within months the flood of his mail will have dried to a trickle.
    Lord, Apr 8, 2004
  5. RDD

    mick parry stroppy old git

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Be careful

    Destroying mail is a criminal offence and the addresse can sue for damages.

    Best to bite your lip and redirect it.


    Mick.....ex RM employee.
    mick parry, Apr 8, 2004
  6. RDD


    Dec 1, 2003
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    St Albans
    Have you tried having a word with your postman/woman. If you have a regular one, I am sure they could either not deliver them or suggest some method for intercepting them at the sorting office. The other suggestion, is to tell his mate that in future all mail addressed will be bunged in a plastic bag and passed on when you can be bothered.

    Whilst it is illegal to open mail addressed to another, we accidently open any mail that looks like unpaid bills or threats of legal action. In this event we contact the sender to point out that the recipient no longer lives here and extract in writing that they will not register our address with credit reference agencies. This is a pain in the arse but protects our interests.
    rodrat, Apr 8, 2004
  7. RDD

    RDD Longterm Lurker

    Jun 25, 2003
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    Thanks for all the info chaps ;)

    I've had a word with his buddy across the road and he's getting pissed off with the guy to, I didn't know this but he has to take the mail to his place of work!!

    Anyway due to us both having enough, I'll now return all mail for him with N/K - RTS on it.

    RDD, Apr 10, 2004
  8. RDD

    Sid and Coke

    Jun 19, 2003
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    East Coast Scotland
    I was in exactly the same position as you when i first moved into my present house. At first I printed off a few sheets of Parcel Address labels with something like " Person not known and not living at this address- retrurn to sender". I stuck these over the address panel and once i'd got a handy sized pile i would either hand them into my local post office or just put them in the leter box.

    I had paid the Royal Mail to re-direct my mail from my previous address so as not to inconveinience the new occupants, it was fairly easy and cheap to set up.

    The previous occupant of your house is now taking the piss out of you and relying on your good nature, if you give people an inch they will take a yard.
    Once the six months was up ( or maybe a little over) i just destroyed his mail, after first opening it all to see if there was anything interesting in it. I have had both the normal plods and CID detectives knocking on my door , looking for the previous occupants of my house. As well as a multitude of contacts from debt recovery agencies. I have also discovered the standard of some of his DIY work about the house that was hidden when i bought it, some of it electrically dangerous. I even had to have some of my flooring ( the actual floorboards) replaced where he'd allowed his old blind dog to piss on the carpet in the same place.
    Once I'd got to know my new neighbours, I found out what a bunch of troublemakers and low lifes the previous occupants where, the kids even badly vandalising one of my neighbours cars ( a V12 S type). I get on great with my neighbours, BTW.

    I don't know about the police but i would relish the thought of meeting him again in person - preferably somewhere nice and quiet but Martini rules would suit me just fine too !

    You've done him a big favour , now get on with your life and let him sort his own administration out.
    Sid and Coke, Apr 10, 2004
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