Mana gone

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Heuer, Jan 5, 2006.

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  1. Heuer

    Ian Wright

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Northants, UK
    Greg et al,

    Just to clarify.

    I help out on the Mana forum as a moderator.

    I have bought a lot of Mana stands over the years.

    I do not work for Mana and never have.

    I have no idea how the business is run and would have no idea how to run a small business so it would be pointless to discuss this with me in any case.

    There are a lot of guesses as to what is happening here. With very little fact.

    The same thing happened some time ago in the previous big thread discussing Mana deliveries.

    The only person who can explain all this is from Mana.

    I posted on the Mana forum, on PFM and here because there are two sides to any situation. Heuer has had big problems. I didn't.

    You are hassling the wrong person here. I don't have any more answers for you.

    Ian Wright, Jan 6, 2006
  2. Heuer

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    There is a big fact, that of the notice to be struck off from companies house.
    Also the fact that the OP has payed money and recieved nothing, whilst others have.
    Not hassling you, just replying.
    penance, Jan 6, 2006
  3. Heuer

    greg Its a G thing

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Wiltshire UK
    You are a moderator on the Mana forum and posting comments which give the impression their business is ok - I think you need to perhaps either consider distancing yourself from the subject completely - making your position clear there. Or to assist the "two sides" of the situation to be expressed there. You may well have presented a case for (of sorts) here, but what about the case against there?

    Whether you like it or not, and whether it is completely unfair or not, your rep is being drawn into this and if I were you I'd take steps to distance yourself from the issue.
    greg, Jan 6, 2006
  4. Heuer

    lordsummit moderate mod

    Jun 19, 2003
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    In the Northern Wastelands
    Please guys it is not Ian who is at fault here, it is Mana. Ian is a well respected member of our community, and it's not fair that his reputation should be called into question. He doesn't work for Mana any more than I work for Zerogain. I know it's not Ian who has pulled the threads on that forum, and he has had nothing to do with the unfulifilled orders. Please don't continue treating a fellow member of the forum in this manner.
    lordsummit, Jan 7, 2006
  5. Heuer

    Stereo Mic

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I would imagine Ian will be resigning from the Mana forum and making it fairly clear why? Surely that would be the decent thing to do in the circumstances given that he is a totally innocent party in this?
    Stereo Mic, Jan 7, 2006
  6. Heuer

    lordsummit moderate mod

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    In the Northern Wastelands
    I'm sure Ian will do what he feels to be right.
    lordsummit, Jan 7, 2006
  7. Heuer

    greg Its a G thing

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Wiltshire UK
    LS - please re read my comments, I'm not sniping at Ian, I'm pointing out to him how things could appear unless he distances himself from the issue. To me he is doing nothing to help a certain important fact from being published on the Mana forum (this may well be something he cannot do due to JW), yet he is allowing his own positive comments to remain which present a positive picture.

    My point is without intending to do so he is actually hindering the situation and I feel inadvertently assisting JW. I am simply saying Ian should make his impartiality much more clear for the sake of his reputation.

    I am not and have not suggested Ian works for Mana, or is privvy to business information, or is deleting posts on the forum or anything else along these lines. Though I do find it odd that where Ian states his lack of involvement, he appears to know a lot of detail regards Heure's legal situation and how it may have affected Heuer's receipt of goods.
    greg, Jan 7, 2006
  8. Heuer


    Jun 21, 2003
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    I've never owned any Mana but it's a tragedy to see another UK niche company allegedly in trouble. I don't see a problem with any of Ian's comments, I think they clarify the situation.
    As for JW, I think his silence on the issue is understandable - when your world turns to S**** people behave in many different ways. etc etc
    Neil, Jan 7, 2006
  9. Heuer


    Jan 25, 2004
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    Its a simple question,how did some customers,inc Ian,get to pick their good up and some,inc Heuer didn't.ian has chosen to say thats a matter for Mana to answer, i.e he either doesn't know,or doesn't want to share the answer publicly.But its still a fair question to ask.
    Saab, Jan 7, 2006
  10. Heuer

    Markus S Trade

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Nether Addlethorpe

    I think you misunderstand. Ian has stated that he got his stands after waiting for however long it took. IIRC Heuer has said in a previous post that after waiting for some time, , and JW not being able to give him a satisfactory answer on when his stand would come, he lost faith in Mana being able to - eventually - deliver and asked for his money back.

    Two different scenarios.
    Markus S, Jan 7, 2006
  11. Heuer

    lordsummit moderate mod

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    In the Northern Wastelands
    That is fine. But please don't attack Ian's integrity. It's not fair. Ian is right, that is a question for JW to answer, and if he wants the right of reply he is welcome to register and post here. Tony L has offered the same opportunity on PFM .Please remember though Ian is not JW's representative, he is an individual who moderates a forum. It is not his fault that it appears someone is behaving badly. The opionions he expresses are his own not that of JW. He has shown commendable guts coming on here and PFM in the first place, I don't think we need to shoot what isn't even a messenger.
    As I have said before Ian will no doubt do what he feels to be the right thing for him. I don't think he needs any of us to tell him what to do.
    This thread is supposed to be about the apparent closure of Mana, the fact that some customers have lost money, and the fact that the company will not communicate with the said customers. It is not appropriate that the moderator of another forum should be expected to carry the flak. I genuinely feel for him, I would not want to be in his position and I'm guessing neither would any of you.
    Saab and Greg the only person who can answer your questions is JW. He is welcome to answer them here, although I'll fry up the hat if he does. You can form your own opinions on that.
    lordsummit, Jan 7, 2006
  12. Heuer


    Jan 25, 2004
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    Ok,its got nothing to with me anyway so I will bow out,I was wondering if Heuer got givent he option,if he couldn't have his money,could he have his goods.The implication is they gave the goods to those that didn't want a refund,instead of offering everyone something back,rather than some their goods on the basis they wanted them,and those didn't,got nothing.A strange business decision,but I probably know very little of the exact facts,I', just on the support Heuer bandwagon,for good reason,no one likes to see someone fleeced of 1000 pounds.
    Saab, Jan 7, 2006
  13. Heuer


    Sep 18, 2005
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    Just to be clear I ordered and paid for my stand in April with a promised delivery for mid June. After repeated phone calls and delays I was told, by David at Mana, that I was unlikely ever to see my order fullfilled. After that they stopped answering the phones, ignored emails, PM's and letters. Visa intervened but also got no response and suggested legal action which I started in October. The stand I ordered was a custom unit so it is unlikely anyone else will have got it. It was never built.

    I have no problem with Ian getting his stand, although like others here, I would like to see him distance himself from this mess. The fact the Mana web site and Forum remains open is in contravention of the document JW signed. Bit like a business going bankrupt but keeping a shop open for customers to browse but not buy. The Mana people are in denial and will just not let go. God only knows why!
    Heuer, Jan 7, 2006
  14. Heuer

    Bob McC living the life of Riley

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Sunny Cheshire
    Why haven't Visa given you your money back if you paid through them?
    Bob McC, Jan 7, 2006
  15. Heuer


    Jan 25, 2004
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    you get 28 days,and Heuer missed the deadline.2 threads on the go:)
    Saab, Jan 7, 2006
  16. Heuer

    Bob McC living the life of Riley

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Sunny Cheshire
    28 days from what? Purchase or deciding you've been ripped off?
    Bob McC, Jan 7, 2006
  17. Heuer


    Jan 25, 2004
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    either,but credit card companies have a time limit between purchase and making a claim,Heuer missed hi apparently
    Saab, Jan 7, 2006
  18. Heuer

    Ian Wright

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Northants, UK
    LS, Markus and Neil,

    Thanks for the support.

    For anyone else who is interested I will try to clarify a couple of issues to try and help and try it make it clear that I have been honest and open throughout.

    I was in 2 minds as to whether to say anything (on Mana and then once started had to continue on PFM and ZG) but decided that I should say something as there are two sides to everything.

    Primarily Mana was being portrayed as a company taking orders, not delivering and then filing for closure (I can't remember the technical terms at the start of this thread). I decided it was the right thing to do to present some facts that showed that that wasn't a balanced view.

    Any information that I have discussed re Heuer has been from comments he has made in this thread and the previous one. I have no other knowledge as to what happened to his intended purchase. Markus has explained it exactly as I have but made it clearer.

    My understanding from comments made elsewhere (Mana user grapevine and by Heuer) suggests that others have got the stands that they ordered and that Heuer is the only one who hasn't. This is very unfortunate for Heuer but he chose a very different path.

    As to my moderating the Mana forum. I was asked by John Watson to do this a few years. The aim was to turn it into a friendly place for people to discuss Mana topics, music and be a wider discussion area as well. The people who post there largely think that has been achieved.

    Any business matters relating to Mana are nothing to do with me on the Mana forum nor elsewhere except where it relates to my purchase of my stands. Business matters are controlled and moderated by Mana. How much clearer can I make this?

    I expected to have my comments questioned here (and on pfm) but think that some of the comments aimed at me have been a bit over the top.

    Ian Wright, Jan 7, 2006
  19. Heuer


    Nov 22, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Up a hill
    Yes, spot on!

    I would add - The posters on here bar a few have shown themselves to be nothing but trouble making rubberneckers, with Michaelab and Stereo Mic standing out head and shoulders above the rest!
    Barnie, Jan 7, 2006
  20. Heuer

    la toilette Downright stupid

    Jan 21, 2005
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    :( :confused:
    Has Mana some kind of mind control over those who buy it? After reading in some post or other about Mana I looked at their forum and it was quite bizarre to my mind; almost every post had to include some kind of glowing reference to how great Mana equipment is and what a revelation it is and how each member yearned for more Mana (from heaven presumably).

    I knew nothing of the company previously, as I've never considered spending money on expensive stands of any kind or make (but not implying that they are not worth the cost to those who can afford to purchase), so I have no axe to grind or whatever....

    It's just that, well, I just don't get the strength of feeling from those who have it..... :confused:

    Barnie, am I wrong, or do you have some Mana?
    la toilette, Jan 7, 2006
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