Matrix : Revolutions

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by voodoo, Nov 5, 2003.

  1. voodoo

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    just seen M3 this week...
    here's my take..

    M1 - a film that will go down among the classic sci-fi films of all time. It will be mentioned along with 2001, Alien, star wars etc in future years. Original, mind-bending, brilliant.

    M2 - nice special effects. Quite fun. Nice french bird eye-candy. Enjoyed it, crap finish.

    M3 - some great 'bits' - like the battle of the dock. Neo is superman, and flies around a lot. the suspence and originality of M1 is lacking from M3 and M2. A little bit like what 'return of the jedi' was to 'star wars'.

    In some ways I wish M2 and M3 had never been made, M1 was an impossible act to follow really...still, I'll still end up getting the box set on DVD..... comparing any of them to most of the drivel at my local blockbusters puts it into perspective - theyre all good, just M1 set new standards for film to my eyes.
    bottleneck, Nov 15, 2003
  2. voodoo

    GTM Resistance IS Futile !

    Jun 19, 2003
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    What is it with some people?... I'm sure that people were adopting that pose a long time before Jesus was crucified.. In fact, how about the thousands of others that were crucified BEFORE Jesus ?? I take it such people don't ever watch gymnastics... because of the blasphemous poses adopted there?

    I can honestly say that the thought of Jesus and the crucifixion never crossed my mind for an instant during the scene in question. Why is it always assumed that there was any religious message/overtones intended whenever a character adopts a similar position in a film.. If I were to be pedantic (me ?? ) I would say that the pose neo adopted wasn't anything like that of Jesus on the cross.... Jesus has his head hanging down.. tilted slightly to one side.. and his ankles are crossed... neither is true of neo in that scene.. on top of which neo is supine not vertical.


    GTM, Nov 15, 2003
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