Meridian 601 DSP

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Corruption, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. Corruption


    May 7, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Hi all,

    There's one of these rare beauties on eBay at the moment for what appears to be a reasonable price.

    I can't find much on this item on the 'net, a few pics but no reviews or technical stats (unsurprising as I believe it to be >10 years old).

    Does anyone have anything to say about the 601, good, bad or indifferent? Anyone owned one and can shed light on the pros and cons of owning it and whether it's reliable?

    Cheers everyone

    Corruption, Oct 14, 2008
  2. Corruption


    Sep 21, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Forest of Dean, UK
    It's quite a few years back now, but I had a used Meridian 601/602 transport/DAC on loan from a shop. My main recollection is that it was horribly bland and musically uninteresting.

    But then I'm not a big Meridian fan, and I find most of their CD replay kit at least a bit bland.
    JANDL100, Oct 15, 2008
  3. Corruption


    Jan 19, 2007
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    I still have a 601/602 and do love it despite the age - however, in the opposite way to Jerry, I've never really strayed from Meridian..

    Jerry, from what you remember, what do you think is the downfall of Meridian gear and do you think it can be holding me back from the indistinguishable-from-real-life 3D sonic vista I'm after (err, forgetting all other equipment, placement etc etc)?

    Something about the heavy 209 remote (the 601 remote really needs some lead inside to feel 'proper') and the solid design has me holding onto the 600 series digital stuff..
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2008
    nat8808, Oct 27, 2008
  4. Corruption


    Sep 21, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Forest of Dean, UK
    Hi Nat

    Yes, Meridian kit is nicely made and interestingly/differently styled from your average black or silver box. Definite 'pride of ownership' there, I agree. :)

    Whenever I plug a Meridian item into my system I think "Yes, that's how it should go" ... there's a real sense of tonal rightness to me.

    But after a while (days, maybe a week or so) I find my attention starting to drift .... where's the life and energy of the music gone? Where's the pizzazz?! And back on eBay it goes.

    Lots of folks love Meridian kit, so don't let me put you off it if you like what it does! :) It just doesn't do it for me.
    JANDL100, Oct 27, 2008
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