Mixing ceiling and in-wall speakers

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Listenloud, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. Listenloud


    Dec 3, 2023
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    Looking for some advice on mixing in-wall and ceiling speakers. Currently doing an extension at house which will result in about 38 sqm square kitchen/dining. The dining half has exposed ceiling beams so was going to put in 2 x in-walls on that half. The kitchen part has no space for in-walls so was going to put 2 x in-ceiling in that half. Will be for background music and occasional dance around the kitchen activities with the kids. My question is whether it'll be weird having sound coming from high and low? Also, I'll want to be able to switch off ceiling ones sometimes as under daughters bedroom. Need to buy amp and speakers, so any advice or recomendations gratefully received. Cheers.
    Listenloud, Dec 3, 2023
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