MObile Phones

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by MO!, Mar 6, 2004.

  1. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    It looks like my trusty 8210 is on its way out after I, well, kinda vomited on it :eek:

    I thought it was working ok after giving it a good clean, but despite having left it to charge overnight, it seems to be dropping down to one bar in no time at all. And the mic seems f@#ked too. :(

    Not really sure what's available at the MOment :confused:

    I like nokias nice and idiot proof menus and the feel/look to several nokias I've used/owned in the past.

    I'd be happy to stick with an 8210, but obvuisly this is an excuse for a new toy :D

    Interested to hear what you're using and how you find it.


    MO!, Mar 6, 2004
  2. MO!

    Rory satisfied

    Jun 20, 2003
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    all my fellow ex-8210 owners have complained that when they had it on vibrate, it shattered the screen...looks like you got a good 'un, mo
    Rory, Mar 6, 2004
  3. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    I've had problems with previous Nokia screens. Not shattering, but fading and turning off. The only problem I'd previously had with the 8210 was that one of the small hex screws (?) had worked a bit loose with time and this was making it make some nasty distorting noises, easily fixed though.

    Any thoughts on the 7250i and the Sony Ericsson T610 ?

    Also, what this bluetooth all about. Is it just for wireless hands free? Or is there MOre to it than that?
    MO!, Mar 6, 2004
  4. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Does anyone know about, or have any experience with unblocking MObiles? What's involved? And how do you get it done?
    MO!, Mar 7, 2004
  5. MO!

    julian2002 Muper Soderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    bluetooth is a bit like wi-fi in that you can communicate wirelessly between 2 devices, it's not as high bandwidth and wifi or as long range however it uses less processor and battery power. headsets are probably the most useful use of bluetooth however you can sync your pc, use the phone as a modem with your laptop and a number of other uses too. all without taking your phone out of your pocket - much better than irda or wires everywhere, especially if you're in a car or train.

    i like sony eriksson phones, my last 3 have been s/e's and i've had very few problems with them (only really a dodgy touchscreen on the first r380s i had).

    unblocking mobiles lets you use a handset on any network. if you go along to your local market, computer fair or independant mobile shop that's not part of a big chain they can probably point you in the right direction. i think the phone co's were trying to make this illegal so i'm not sure if it's still something that it's wise to ask about straight off.

    julian2002, Mar 7, 2004
  6. MO!

    Will The Lucky One

    Feb 14, 2004
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    A good discussion of the merits of the T610 and the 7250i respectively.

    I have a T610 myself and I do prefer it to comparable Nokias including the 7250i, and given that prior to this I've only *ever* had Nokias (and considered them the best until having a go with a T68i and then my own T610) it says something about how good the T610 is. Tis a nice phone :)

    The SE T630 will be out some time fairly soon, gonna be expensive compared to the two you list though :( but it should fix all of the little areas where the T610 can be improved upon.

    Another handset to consider is the Samsung E700, if you can put up with a flip phone (which I dislike personally) then its supposed to be a very good handset (though if I recall correctly, no bluetooth).

    Will, Mar 7, 2004
  7. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Cheers for that Will.

    As with the original poster over there, I feel even MOre confused now!

    I've had several Nokias, and always found them preferable to other phones I've used.

    Bluetooth sounds interesting. But I don't see it being of enough use to me to sway a decision. The radio on the Nokia is appealing.

    Some of the things that were wrong with the 8210 seem to be getting better (keys which weren't responding), but the mic still seems to work only sometimes and the battery is only lasting a few hours with a full charge.

    MO :)
    MO!, Mar 8, 2004
  8. MO!


    Jun 20, 2003
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    A geordie dahn sarf
    A word of warning if you like the Nokia "simplicity" - newer phones use special software made by Symbian. It's completely different to previous menu systems and takes a bit of getting used to. It works a bit more like a PDA than a standard phone. I borrowed a 6600 a couple of weeks ago - personally I loved it, but it took a while to get used to the new software.
    If you send a lot of text messages, you might not like the 7250i - the buttons make it hard work IMHO.

    Are you looking for a phone with built in camera ? If so, the 6600 and T610 have fantastic cameras and screens (compared to other mobiles). Which network are you on because this may affect what you go for ?

    Bluetooth is only really useful if you have other bluetooth enabled devices (such as a PDA), but also gives you the opportunity to have a wireless in-car handsfree kit (being the law abiding citizen you are:cool: )
    batfink, Mar 8, 2004
  9. MO!

    garyi Wish I had a Large Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I have the sony erricuson T68i thing. Apart from having blue tooth, this is the worse peice of crap phone I have used.

    The software is so dog slow as to be very very frustrating and I have lost count of the times that instead of the annoying wheel thing pressing for yes has infact slide off to the right.

    There have been times I Wanted to throw it hard on the groud. A friend has got the new one with camera, the software on that is a total dog as well.


    Sounds OK though!
    garyi, Mar 8, 2004
  10. MO!

    TonyL Club Krautrock Plinque

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Another pink world
    I've just got a new Nokia 6100 and its pretty cool. It comes with a CD-ROM that enables it to talk to a IR enabled PC so you can keep a backup and easily edit the phone book etc – it works well. Has all the Java games and other irrelevant nonsense that modern phones have, but no camera (who cares?). The OS is well thought out and easy to navigate, I'm really happy with it so far.

    TonyL, Mar 8, 2004
  11. MO!

    nsherin In stereo nirvana...

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Portsmouth, UK
    Agreed - I had that parcticular model as a contract phone for a while last year. Nice phone in terms of style and looks, but dog slow software - composing an SMS message was a nightmare. The 'Jog-Dial' type thing is cumbersome too.
    nsherin, Mar 8, 2004
  12. MO!

    Steven Toy

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Central England
    I love the user-friendliness of Nokias and I'm basically a Nokia sheep as I won't touch any other brand of phone.

    I've had a 3310, a 3330 and now a 6100.

    I got my 3330 unblocked at a local discount ciggy shop for a tenner, and my 6100 was actually unblocked FOC at the shop I got it from, a local, independent Orange dealer.

    In a couple of months I intend to transfer the contract to a mate who lives abroad, he still has the requisite registered UK address and bank account though, and is returning to the UK for a few weeks. That way he'll save about a hundred quid by not having to pay-as-you-go, and I'll get to upgrade to a 6600 FOC :)

    Basically, he is a heavy user to say the least, and the O2 tariff available from Orange (if you ask for it) will cost him 75 quid for 1000 mins and 50 texts. For the three months that then follow until the contract expires, he will only have to pay the minimum of a tenner a month, so basically he gets a mint, unblocked Nokia 6100 for 105 quid that is tri-band and thus will work work wherever he goes and with any SIMcard, and while he is in UK, he'll have as many minutes as he'll need while he's here all included.

    As I have always kept my phones in leather cases they are always mint when I pass them on - notwithstanding the wear and tear on the keypads. I've never had a problem with the screens.

    I like the 6100 because it is small, cute and very light, doesn't need to be recharged too often, and has the facility to download Java games - something of importance to me because apart from at the weekend, much of my job involves queueing on a taxi rank or just sitting around waiting for the booking office phones to ring. Playing games on my phone helps to ease the boredom.

    I could use a phone with Bluetooth though as I find the plug-in earphone hands-free to be rather impractical. For obvious reasons I need a decent hands-free facility as pulling over doesn't make me immune from prosecution if I use my phone without one.

    Whoever decided that engines must be switched off prior to making or receiving a call without a hands-free kit was a complete wanker/made the decision in the height of summer when you don't need to keep warm, and when you don't need to keep your windscreen clear so that you can see where you are going after your call has finished. :rolleyes: )
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2004
    Steven Toy, Mar 11, 2004
  13. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    I've seen the 7250i for £150 on orange. But over double that to have it open networked. So i'm looking to get it on orange and then have it unlocked. Just want to be 100% that i'll be able to get it unlocked.

    Are all phones easy enough to get done? Or is it dependant on the phone. I've seen a couple of sites advertising it for as little as £3 to give you the code (after you provide them with the IMEI? number and who it's currently locked to). Can see this leading to a load of text spam though?
    MO!, Mar 11, 2004
  14. MO!

    Steven Toy

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Central England
    Why not just get one free on contract? It always works out cheaper unless you have no self-discipline.
    Steven Toy, Mar 11, 2004
  15. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    You answered your own question
    MO!, Mar 11, 2004
  16. MO!


    Jun 20, 2003
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    A geordie dahn sarf
    Yes. Nokia's are generally the easiest to get done. Just take a trip to Slough high street where there are plenty of people willing and able;)

    With that one, I'd try before you buy - some people around here loved the demo phone we had, others hated it.
    batfink, Mar 11, 2004
  17. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Finaly got a new phone. The nokia was working fine apart from the battery was only lasting 7 hours or so. Changed the battery and still the same. No idea how that works :confused:

    Managed to get a brand new sim free T610 for £60! Takes a bit of getting used to, but wouldn't say it's any MOre complicated, just takes time to re-familiarise.

    It's not just that I'm changing from the Nokia style menus, it's also got so much MOre in terms of features! Wap, camera, java etc...

    I like the way the phonebook is set up. Able to put various details on for each contact. So, rather than seperately having so&so mobile, so&so work, so&so home etc... you group them all under the one name.

    Will need to live with it for a bit longer before making any real opinions. But seems pretty darn good so far!

    Thanks for the comments :)
    MO!, May 18, 2004
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