Mozilla and websites query


compulsive cantater
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
My elder daughter has a website. Her carefully-devised arrangements look fine when accessed by Internet Explorer but they go all funny when people access the site via Firefox. Is there an easy cure for this? Is there any cure for it?
I think you might need a java plug in Tones,but I am totally rubbbish with things techy.I have had problems laoding some sights myself,and then needed plug-ins
tones said:
My elder daughter has a website. Her carefully-devised arrangements look fine when accessed by Internet Explorer but they go all funny when people access the site via Firefox. Is there an easy cure for this? Is there any cure for it?

If she has used nested divs in CSS divs that are not displayed correctly try putting clear:both; class defination. This solved my problem when a site I was recently working on didn't work correctly in firefox.

If the site is produced properly it shoudl work in firefox in my experience apart from plugins two problems occur with firefox and these are:

1) Badly written JavaScript may work fine in I.E but won't work in Firefox.
2) Badly written CSS code may work in I.E because it tries to guess what the developer wants to do, Firefox is a lot stricter and only allowes W3C standards.
You could always run it through the CSS or HTML validators and see what W3 says about her site.
It might give a clue as to what is happening.
OK, now Wm doesn't own a gerbal driven steam PC, I can now run firefox monzilla, as I'm a computer basic dome head, would some one give me the low down. Ta
on my firefox i have folders just underneath the URL bar for things like 'shops' and 'email' and 'forums'. clicking on one of these brings the websites down.

another thing that people like about firefox is the multi window facility. essential for surfing forums whilst ones loading, u can read another etc
Gents, a BIG thank you all for your suggestions and thoughts. To be honest, I've no idea what she's done (my computer knowledge extends as far as finding and operating the on-off switch unaided), but I'll print out your suggestions and show them to her as soon as she condescends to stand still for long enough for me to catch her.