Mozza + The Libertines

Discussion in 'General Music' started by Uncle Ants, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. Uncle Ants

    Uncle Ants In Recordeo Speramus

    Dec 5, 2003
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    East Midlands
    Well I didn't get to go to see Mozza at the RFH, due to another commitment I couldn't get out of. Auntie Ants however did get to go and apart from being dispappointed about the Libertines not playing (see comments on that below), she had an absolutely cracking night out. He's right on form and any of us with a chance to see him at any of the appearances later this year may be in for a real treat.

    About a third from the new album, a third from his solo back catalogue and a third Smiths tracks apparently.

    Re The Libertines - I got a bad feeling that'll be it for them (or at lkeast for Pete Doherty). Apparently the latest is that Pete Doherty having been in the Priory and absconded, went to France and absconded and then finally went to Dot Cotton's Buddhist rehab centre in Thailand - which he's now absconded from :rolleyes:

    Last known wherabouts? On his way to Bangkok with fifty quid in his pocket - actual wherabouts unknown. I just hope its all a big publicity stunt, cooked up by Alan McGee.

    Oh and the Ukrainians cancelled their gig at the Rescue Rooms, I had tickets for on Sunday night - they (and presumably the audience) wanted to watch the footie and postponed til August 1st - Hmm maybe not the best decision - given the circumstances :confused:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2004
    Uncle Ants, Jun 14, 2004
  2. Uncle Ants

    Gromit Buffet-blower

    May 4, 2004
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    Darkest Lincs
    Good to see another Morrissey/Smiths fan around here :)

    I was very close to going to the MEN Arena on 22nd May but couldn't make in the end. We were gutted. :(

    Got the new album the day it came out - after a slightly shaky start it's grown on me more and more. Superb it is. :)
    Gromit, Jun 29, 2004
  3. Uncle Ants

    lordsummit moderate mod

    Jun 19, 2003
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    In the Northern Wastelands
    Going to see the pair at Leeds. Would be a bit gutted if the Libertines aren't there. Should be a good line up with the White Stripes headlining
    lordsummit, Jun 29, 2004
  4. Uncle Ants

    Uncle Ants In Recordeo Speramus

    Dec 5, 2003
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    East Midlands
    Yup, the Leeds Sunday lineup is a bit of a dream gig (if we assume the Libs haven't imploded by then). In fact taking in the bands playing the Radio 1 stage as well it is, dare I say it, quite an improvement on the glasto lineup (pyramid and other). Tonight I shall dream I went to Glastonbury ... and it didn't rain ... and all the bookings were cross wired and the Leeds booking played Glasto instead (Oh and I was given the tickets by a rich and indulgent Aunt, so I didn't have to spend a whole day on the phone to try and get em).
    Uncle Ants, Jun 29, 2004
  5. Uncle Ants

    Uncle Ants In Recordeo Speramus

    Dec 5, 2003
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    East Midlands
    Looks like the Libs WILL be playing Leeds now :) Unfortunately without Pete Doherty :(

    See report in NME:

    It's such a shame he can't get his act together as he does seem to play such an important role in making them so special. But I guess its better than nothing and thankfully they are enough of a gang rather than just a band not to just sack him. Pity though.
    Uncle Ants, Jun 30, 2004
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