Having had this new monster for trial now for a month i decided to test drive the thing to my limits, i used 3 pairs of speakers, , my tannoy's, monitor audio gx300, finally borrowed my friend's gale 401's "chrome" started with vynil ,from clasical,rock,reggae,soul,jazz,etc anything but spice girls, then through an alphason sonata/hr 100s, at 0c9ml, and a project x-pack, for cd i used the mf 5.5 and the teac exoteria, a5 dab tuner, all cables were the same, interconnects and speaker cables are all LAt's THIS AMP In my ears performed superve though out all is paces without extress, musicality had no byas as to what i played, only one problem it is BLLODY HEAVY, very good amp like the kw 550, and the 1008,