Had a couple of ideas regarding the My Kit thread.
1. I'm sure we all like to see what other peoples' rigs are, but if we also put in a couple of sections at the end detailing what the strengths and weaknesses of our system are, together with an upgrade/wish path, it might add a bit of further interest.
2. Since a few of the guys here already know each other, would an "independent" review of each others system be helpful ? Now I'm not talking about Gunfight At The OK Coral if a system gets a less than brilliant review, but again might add another further interest.
Just a thought
Had a couple of ideas regarding the My Kit thread.
1. I'm sure we all like to see what other peoples' rigs are, but if we also put in a couple of sections at the end detailing what the strengths and weaknesses of our system are, together with an upgrade/wish path, it might add a bit of further interest.
2. Since a few of the guys here already know each other, would an "independent" review of each others system be helpful ? Now I'm not talking about Gunfight At The OK Coral if a system gets a less than brilliant review, but again might add another further interest.
Just a thought