My ideas

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by jeffreymarksz, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. jeffreymarksz


    Jul 23, 2005
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    I just joined as well, so no better way than to start with some systems advice. I'm struggling with 2 issues at the moment:

    Speaker selection - I've been buying a bonanza of speakers (2nd hand of course) but haven't found the pair that really floats my boat.

    General tweaks - I'm well into little tweaks and have tested several with a discerning ear (some work, some don't). But I'm sure I'm missing a few. What do people suggest?

    My system:
    CD - Resolution Audio CD Opus 21
    AMP - Monster MPA 2250SS in bridged mono bloc mode (2x650w)
    I/C - Audioquest Diamond (have tested boat loads of cables...these are by far the best)
    S/C - Audioquest Bedrock
    P/C - Monster Powerline 400 + Experience Filtration Disclosure
    MAINS CONDTIONER - Experience Filtration Standard Communicator
    RACK - Stands Unique 10mm glass
    PLATFORM - customer granite under CD
    ROOM - 13x28 with speakers along long wall with fireplace in between (not ideal, but necessary compromise for WAF)


    Soliloquy 6.3is - Beautifully rich. gorgeous mids. enveloping sound. my favourites so far, but whilst they go deep, can sometimes be a bit wooly. top end is good, but not as shimmering as some

    Gallo Nucleus Reference III - detail, openess, air, amazing. Bass taught if not subterranian. Timing fast as lightning. soundstage...disappointing (in my room at least), boxy. Communication...somehow lacking. have tried these via Fmod in line crossovers to access extra voice coil. improves bass, but little else. So close to perfection, yet can't get them to sing.

    Dynaudio Contour 3 - just bought, so still testing

    Thinking about buying:

    Spendor S9e
    ATC SCM35

    to test as well

    Somebody! Give me some advice and help stop this madness! I feel my system is nearly there, I just can't get it over the edge yet...

    And once I do, it'll be ebay bonanza time!

    FYI - info about Monster and Soliloquy on

    Attached Files:

    jeffreymarksz, Jul 24, 2005
  2. jeffreymarksz

    alanbeeb Grumpy young fogey

    Mar 5, 2004
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    With your speakers along the long wall it might be worth trying some from AudioPhysic, their speakers are designed to be used in that position.
    alanbeeb, Jul 24, 2005
  3. jeffreymarksz


    Dec 10, 2004
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    East Sussex
    I'd second the Audio Physic ~ try the Spark 3. I had a pair of these and they are very good in being airy and spacious, whilst retaining dynamics and attack. They're also not too fussy on placement, so that aspect could help in your set up.

    On the left field, you could go for a high quality stand mount monitor. My favourite would be the Harbeth HLP3-ES2 which is the most natural, musical speaker of its type (you can forget all the audiophoolery with this speaker and just listen to the music). Slight drawback is that Harbeth export nearly all of their production, so auditioning can be a problem. If you're near London then KJ West One would be recommended.
    LinearMan, Jul 24, 2005
  4. jeffreymarksz

    Anex Thermionic

    Feb 18, 2005
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    Have you thought it may be something other than the speakers holding things back? Perhaps your amp? Haven't listened to any of your kit but its just a thought.
    Anex, Jul 24, 2005
  5. jeffreymarksz

    technobear Ursine Audiophile

    Jun 22, 2003
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    You have a similar room layout and size to mine. I was having trouble with standing waves in the bass around 45 Hz. Floorstanders with prodigious bass output tend to make this problem worse. At the moment I'm using the 'left field' solution. I have a pair of Dynaudio Contour 1.1 ably assisted in the subterranean department by a REL Storm III. Close your eyes and it's impossible to tell you're not listening to a pair of floorstanders. There's nothing woolly about their bass. No boxiness either. They go surprisingly loud too. And as for 'shimmering' - oh boy! They are the most 'real' sounding speakers I have ever owned. Your Dyn's will take a while to run in so be patient but you might find them a bit overpowering across a 13ft room. A good standmount with a decent sub might be a better bet.
    technobear, Jul 24, 2005
  6. jeffreymarksz

    Graham C

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Tall floorstanders will give unpredictable behaviour if you are close in - as you seem to be. The driver spacing will not allow the sound to integrate well unless you are 4+ metres and not too many reflection. My room is similair dimensions and it also gives problems with big speakers. Thankfully, I am about to start working 3 days a week for a while, so I can add it to my big list of jobs to sort!

    Standmounters and subs, or ones designed for rear walls both seem good suggestions.
    Graham C, Jul 24, 2005
  7. jeffreymarksz

    technobear Ursine Audiophile

    Jun 22, 2003
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    Yep! That's been my experience too. The little standmounts integrate beautifully.
    technobear, Jul 24, 2005
  8. jeffreymarksz


    Jul 23, 2005
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    Thanks for all the replies. For the record, I landed on a speaker position that gives me a 9' isoceles with speakers toed to just behind the listening position. Also, I have a nasty room mode around 50-60 hz (-8db with some speakers).

    I've got a pair of Soliloquy 6.0i's in the garage. I'll try and get some decent stands and have a go. Though, my philosophy has really been more around a full range speaker (I have an eccelctic mix of music including dance/R&B, so bass is a factor for me). I've had trouble in the past with sub/sats. I found that unless you have dual subs, it's difficult to get the integration just right. But then again, that could just be me.

    As to the other kit...I've done a fair bit of benchmarking against them and was pretty happy with the integration. The CD is tops and the dynamics you get from 650w high current monoblocs can leave you speechless. And, the monster amps are actually a Richard Marsh design, so I'm confident of their pedigree.

    I must say, I'm looking forward to testing the contours. I've always been a fan of the Dynaudio 'sound'. I'll let you all know how I get on.
    jeffreymarksz, Jul 24, 2005
  9. jeffreymarksz


    Mar 23, 2005
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    That is an interesting combination of kit you have there. Whilst you have the same CD player as I do (it's fab... heh heh), I am not too familiar with the rest of the equipment. I have read somewhere that the Soliloquay speaker range is very good especially for the price, so to be honest I am not sure what you're looking for? Is it a change of sound quality/tonality? Or just more detail and PRaT?

    I was going to recommend Living Voice as they have a naturalness to them and excellent transparency but again you might find the bass does not extend too the far extremes.

    Maybe you could try JM Lab speakers as well?

    jonjin, Jul 25, 2005
  10. jeffreymarksz

    Tenson Moderator

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Kent, UK
    If you like bass PMC is hard to beat. I recommend going for the speakers in the professional range. Room acoustics cant be neglected either though. -8db isn?t really that bad, top pro studios aim to be within +-6db over the entire range.
    Tenson, Jul 25, 2005
  11. jeffreymarksz


    Jul 23, 2005
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    Soliloquy's are great value for money and I'm very impressed with them. Designed by a Brit, Asian-built drivers, and American built furniture grade cabs. I think the main problem is room interaction and finding speakers that will work in my space with my system. After all, the room is probably the biggest 'component' in your whole system.

    I had previously done some experiments putting the speakers in ultimate free space (you know, like moving all the furniture, blocking doors and other rational things like that) and got a much improved sound (soundstage came from like 10' behind the speakers).

    SIGH! Maybe I'll just have to accept the limitations of my room...or ditch the girlfriend!!!

    But seriously, I wonder if there are any room treatments that can make up for the placement compromises?
    jeffreymarksz, Jul 25, 2005
  12. jeffreymarksz


    Mar 23, 2005
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    jonjin, Jul 25, 2005
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