My Works gone Conkers

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by lhatkins, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. lhatkins

    lhatkins Dazed and Confused

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Honiton, UK
    Ok this started off on our works notice board as someone selling conkers (I'm sure he was having a laugh) and it went on like this. I thought i'd post this up as funny things on our noticeboard tend to get deleted by admins with their senss of humor removed.

    --- It started with this.
    Subject: FOR SALE: Conkers
    I have a large bag of freshly dropped conkers that a small child would be really excited about.

    If you would like them, email me and you can have them for £10.

    Dave ******* (to protect the gulty!)

    which quickly digressed to this!

    ---- Reply
    Subject: FOR SALE: Conkers
    Free in Car Park!

    ---- Reply
    Subject: FOR SALE: String for Conkers
    have a bag of pre-knotted string in various lengths suitable for conkers. A snip at only £10


    ---- Reply
    Subject: Money Trees?
    I was always told that money doesn't grow on trees…..

    I have been misled all these years. …. Right…… how much do you think acorns are worth?

    ---- Replay
    subject: WANTED: URGENTLY required - Conker Polishing Machine
    I am seriously considering purchasing a freshly-picked bag of conkers, and wonder where I may be able to acquire a conker-polishing or conker-buffing machine. Many thanks.


    ---- Reply
    Subject: For Sale: Conker Holes
    Two bags of regulation size holes for conkers, complete with certificate of authenticity. Will split £10.00 for the pair of £5 each.
    Note these holes will only fit regulation size knotted string…...

    ---- Reply
    Subject: FOR SALE: Conker Wipes
    I have 2 bin bags full of conker wipes (AKA Leaves 4 Conkers) which give a better result than any electronic polisher. £5 per bag

    ---- Reply
    Subject : FOR SALE: conker manual
    I have an old "Conker v1.2 User Manual" for sale at £10


    ---- Reply
    Subject: Conkers Futures - advice needed
    Does anyone know a Financial Adviser with knowledge of the Conakers Market? I heard a rumour that OPEC (Organisation of People Exploiting Conkers) was about to push prices up, and was wondering if a punt on the Conkers Futures market might give a worthwhile fillip to a widows' and orphans' pension fund. Is it true that Gordon Brown taxes 'windfall' profits?

    ---- Reply
    SubjectL Conkers
    Before anyone decides to invest in conkers, I seriously advise you check their quality. My squirrel - for - hire will do this for you for only £15 per hour, during which time she will sort and grade up to 200 conkers. Extra charge for conkers still with shells on.

    ---- Reply
    Subject: Virtual conkers
    For sale Sega Mega Drive Game Boy IV "Conker Death Duals"
    All the thrills and spills of real conkers, without the dangers
    Yours for £10.00 or one empy black bin liner

    ---- Reply
    Subject: Command and Conker PC game
    you guessed it .. only £10

    --- Replay
    Subject: For Sale - Self contained conker with private parking
    3rd branch/floor 2 bedroom conker with woodland views in detached tree - GCH - double glazing - quiet neighbourhood - would suit 2 professional squirrels - 1 mins walking distance from county hall - private parking (within car park - as long as it's your designated day for driving!)

    Valued at £185,000 (willing to exchange for similar property closer to town centre)

    edit to add
    Due to drop in conker market, am now willing to accept £10

    ---- reply
    Subject: Getting the Best from your Conkers - Book
    User Guide Book - excellent condition …

    Getting the Best from your Conkers.


    --- Reply
    Latin phrase book

    Learn to speak popular Latin phrases with this excellent phrase book. For example: "veni, vidi, vici" - "I came, I saw, I conkered".

    Only £10

    Oh yes its a slow day at the office!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2004
    lhatkins, Sep 29, 2004
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