National Hi-Fi Show impressions and pics

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Richard Dunn, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Richard Dunn

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    I didn't get out my room so I haven't clue, so opinions and pics please.

    Met Tenson :confused: he may moan about being young looking but when he is 40 he might look 25 :D bloody good asset as far as I am concerned. I will tease him and call him a nice lad :p Him and Rob make a good team.

    Apart from that no one from ZG introduced themselves so I don't know who was there. Our room was very small, but being a small company it is all I could justify. Within the limitations I was happy with what we were doing.
    Richard Dunn, Sep 27, 2010
  2. Richard Dunn

    sq225917 Exposer of Foo

    Jan 11, 2007
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    sq225917, Sep 27, 2010
  3. Richard Dunn

    Purite Audio Purite Audio

    Nov 25, 2006
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    I said hello too! Had a chat with Jason, all very pleasant and enjoyable.
    Purite Audio, Sep 27, 2010
  4. Richard Dunn

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    So why do have to be so nasty to people on forums, which one is the act!!?
    Richard Dunn, Sep 27, 2010
  5. Richard Dunn


    Oct 9, 2009
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    Went on the Saturday and met up with Richard and Jason in the NVA room, both were charm personified :) First impressions of the Cubix speakers were positive, but would probably sounded better in a larger room. Kraftwerk bounced around nicely with great rhythm, Elgar just filled the room convincingly. The Music Computer is a lovely looking piece of kit. Yes, there are other music servers out there, and cost will be all-important, but selling it on the principle of a complete solution - computer, storage, CDP, DVD, Blu-ray, DAC - will be crucial for the computer music innocent. Nice to get a listen of that Bert Kaempfert LP as well - the best sounding Nazi marching band I've ever heard

    The Statement amps are - aesthetically - stunning. Pity one blew up...

    Far too many speakers at the show were tantamount to assaulting the listener. Lots of Focals around at the end of huge muscle amps, some quite balanced, but in some rooms it felt like a pummelling. You can guess the test discs in every room too - lots of Dire Straits, Patricia Barber, Norah Jones, et al. Certain big rooms couldn't control some horrible bass bloom; very disappointing.

    The LP12 plinths by Chris Harban (I think?) in the Cymbiosis room were really beautiful, even the top spec LP12 sounded great (as it should at £17k). The new Kudos speakers were sounding good too, but I'm not too keen on the aesthetics compared to others in the Kudos range. Two speakers were a big surprise for me, and one a disappointment. The Avantgarde Acoustic Duo G2 horns were fantastic and just so effortless, even though the big yellow horns would get short shrift in this house (red maybe). Secondly, the Jamo flat baffle speakers with 2x15" units (also in yellow - strange) were equally wonderfully dynamic. However, I could not get on with the large new Tannoy Kingdoms at all, whether stood up or sat down. Also, I didn't like the speakers in the Tom Tom room at all - I tried to get through a couple of tunes but really struggled. Life's too short...

    Lots of turntables: like the SRM models, and spoke to Bob in the Inspire room. Obviously biased as I have one of the Eclipse t/t and love their presentation. Didn't get to hear one of the Vivid LP12s though. There were lots of interesting things to see, but other rooms I missed and regretted. I wanted to hear Rob's speakers, but walked past twice because of the milling throng - obviously a good sign! Too many systems being demo'd were the top of the range stuff, with the starter stuff on static display. In the Nordost room, I heard a system that sounded like a tinny transistor radio. People were sat listening to it, not sure why...

    I'm not sure what the official statistics will be, but I thought the place to be packed on Saturday: corridors were teeming with people trying to get into rooms. However, there were lots of lost souls trying to find their way round the most confusing show layout I have ever encountered. They may still be there, trying to get out.

    All in all, I enjoyed it. It'd the first time in a while that I've heard something at a show that made me think about wanting to listen to it at home (the Avantgardes). Maybe I caught them on a couple of good 'display' tunes (both 60s jazz), but they certainly grabbed me.
    theo, Sep 27, 2010
  6. Richard Dunn

    Tenson Moderator

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Kent, UK
    I just got out of bed, lol! A very tiring, but enjoyable experience (the show, not getting out of bed).

    Thanks to everyone who managed to find our room in the maze that is Whittlebury Hall. Also it is pretty cool to have the Kensai + Advantage feature near the front of the show guide!

    The main reason to exhibit was to find dealers, and I think there are a number of good leads to follow up.

    Nando on this forum (of Homescape AV), is looking like he will be the first dealer to sign up. :)

    Good to meet Richard, although briefly. I was a little nervous given his fiery forum personality, but he was very pleasant and civilised in person. Also he lent us a great 45rpm record that bought in a few visitors.

    The room next to us was pretty good too, with some very big Maggies. I think the di-pole line source method works very well for the reverberant concrete boxes called hotel rooms.

    One chap with grey long curly hair spent a great deal of time in our room, but didn't say a word! I wonder who he was.
    Tenson, Sep 27, 2010
  7. Richard Dunn

    Papa Lazarou

    Jul 3, 2006
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    Bletchley, Bucks.
    Briefly popped into the NVA room - sounded quite pleasant. The loudspeakers were better suited to a smaller room that the huge one at Scalford Hall IMO.
    Papa Lazarou, Sep 27, 2010
  8. Richard Dunn

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Well from you I will take that as a compliment after only ever having insults before :p
    Richard Dunn, Sep 27, 2010
  9. Richard Dunn

    Purite Audio Purite Audio

    Nov 25, 2006
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    In 'real life' they are some of the nicest blokes around, apart from that 'Earl of Sodbury' of course!
    Did you enjoy the show Richard?
    Purite Audio, Sep 27, 2010
  10. Richard Dunn

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    I am an old ***** cat, I only have spats with people who start on me, I never start conflict, though I do like to tease :D

    And anyway, honestly!! I respect your skill and knowledge, and I find it great that us load of old codgers in a dying industry can get a skilled 25 year old to come in with us, more power and success to you mate. I only tease you because you are so devoted to your test gear, but I hope you will grow out of it :D

    On another subject, I am no longer anti digital, now I am just anti CD transport, it has obviously been the culprit all along :mad: I haven't got a bloody clue about it though being an old analogue dinosaur, but Jason (figlet) just reals off numbers and names and methods and people were nodding and understanding, and to me it was largely gobble-de-gook. Anyway the clincher for me, and I heard it 3 times at the show, was a customer asking us to play his CD, so we did, then we copied it to hard disc (why is it called ripping :rolleyes:) and played again, now by normal rules it should be worse, but it was clearly better :confused: Jason explained what was happening, something to do with removing transport created jitter and transferring each bit absolutely accurately, anyway what ever it is it has made me a convert, to the point the Pioneer PL71 / SPU only went on when it was asked for. For me that is like a revolution, a computer connected to my system AND playing real music!!
    Richard Dunn, Sep 27, 2010
  11. Richard Dunn

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    No, pain in the arse, wish I had never done it!! - what do expect me to say :rolleyes: The first show I ever did as an exhibitor was 1974 (or was it 73) working for Acoustic Research. I have learned to hate them with a vengance, just done too many of the bloody things, but at least I have had a break of 10 years from them (apart from Scalford this year).

    Stuck in a room all day breathing what ever the "guests" bring in or let off in the room :( in a hotel atmosphere which is about the opposite of Feng Shui in its effect. Though Jason and I got our own back on Sunday having gone into Towester to have a curry Saturday night ;) But on the otherhand if the buggers leave you alone at least you can listen to some music :MILD:

    Oh I see, you want me to tell you how much business I wrote at the show, well :p
    Richard Dunn, Sep 27, 2010
  12. Richard Dunn

    sq225917 Exposer of Foo

    Jan 11, 2007
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    I put your missing 'I' back in for you Richard. I don't think it's an act, you just don't like being shown to have made an incorrect statement about something- no one likes being corrected, even me.

    Look on the bright side, you could be JCBrum
    sq225917, Sep 27, 2010
  13. Richard Dunn

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Well there is only one person here worse than him and that is you, its not a fluke or an aberration I have been reading it for 5 years, as I say you are just a nasty bit of work who can act normally when he needs to.
    Richard Dunn, Sep 27, 2010
  14. Richard Dunn

    sq225917 Exposer of Foo

    Jan 11, 2007
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    In my defence Richard, you have largely been incorrect during those 5 years. I can't help it if you don't know plastic from a hole in the ground now can I?

    Nasty bit of work? Come, come that's a little harsh. Sure you aren't just a little peeved that I didn't include the lovely pictures I took of your gear in my show gallery? It's never too late to update....
    sq225917, Sep 27, 2010
  15. Richard Dunn

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Please don't, I want nothing from you, and if you didn't keep playing the arrogant goat I wouldn't even communicate with you unless you start to behave like you obviously did when you came in my room at the show, so you are capable of it so it is your choice.

    If you think you are so ff'ing clever why don't you make something then we can piss on you instead or arrogantly standing at the side pissing into the party.
    Richard Dunn, Sep 27, 2010
  16. Richard Dunn

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    I enjoyed the show and always do. In fact I'd quite happily do them 5 days a week every week. You get to play music all day and chat to people - where's the downside? :)

    Didn't escape the room for long but but did have a quick look around a few select rooms.
    Popped to see Richard and Jason (thanks again for loan of the vinyl) and the new streamer was doing the business and and looking great. I hope you have good success with it.

    The Maggies just down the hall from us were sounding great - lots of reggae being played and they did it cleanly and evenly in a small-ish space.

    Stuck my head into a few more rooms briefly but it was often the usual show music playing though speakers with the tweeter up too high.
    Tish-tish-tish-tish - ah feel the deeeeetail.....

    Nice to see a few familiar faces and friends, Dean (our mod), the other Dean (Wizzkid), Dev, David (Happychappy) Rana, JonR and Andrew Randle.

    PS: Richard, did you get a chance to play the Bert Kaempfert digital rip on the new box of tricks?
    RobHolt, Sep 27, 2010
  17. Richard Dunn

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    C'mon now you know that is a silly question, I wouldn't even know what to do with it, when Simon gave it to me I just passed it to Jason, I think he has it with him but the only time I heard BK it was on the turntable when I put it on.

    It was quite amusing, I was paranoid I would mess up his beast so didn't touch it and he was scared to go near the turntable in case he wiped out an over a grand of Ortofon.
    Richard Dunn, Sep 28, 2010
  18. Richard Dunn

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Actually I was being a bit harsh on them, I find them a curates egg. I quite enjoy them early on the day but by closing time I hate them. I hate all the loading and unloading and the whole logistics thing. Some new people are nice to meet and the best bit is meeting my existing customers.
    Richard Dunn, Sep 28, 2010
  19. Richard Dunn

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I didn't go this year, but if they are the same maggies as last year, I really rate them - for about £3k I dont think I've seen a better commercial loudspeaker
    bottleneck, Sep 28, 2010
  20. Richard Dunn


    Apr 21, 2009
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    Scottish Highlands
    Hi, Richard,

    Just wait until the sheer bloody convenience of having all your music instantly available in high quality form at the touch of a button sinks home. It's like having the world's best jukebox!

    Ripping the CDs is a pain, however, but worth it.

    Mescalito, Sep 28, 2010
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