*** New Chat Guidelines ***

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by I-S, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. I-S

    I-S Good Evening.... Infidel

    Jun 25, 2003
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    In a world of pain
    Due to recent items on this forum it is unfortunately necessary for me to write this. This is a new set of guidelines for posting, mainly in the chat forum.

    Subject Matter

    Is your thread going to lead to useful or enjoyable discussion? Is it likely to descend into a flame war? If it is highly contentious then is it appropriate to post it in a hifi forum, even in the chat section?


    Is your thread morally questionable? Does it condone drug abuse, domestic violence, vice (porn) or other criminal activities? Is it not suitable for viewing by minors? Again, is this the right place to post it?


    If your thread or post contains any form of racism, sexism, xenophobia, nazism or homophobia then it is almost certainly not appropriate.


    We're adults. There's no need for it. Yes, the forum software has swear filters to a degree but you shouldn't need it. And "filtering" it with £$%* is not good enough. Just don't.


    Does your post contain the word "hate"? Or anything similar? Aggression and hatred have no place here. Are you typing in a furious response to someone else's post? And then refreshing the forum 10 times a minute to see their response? It's time to take a break and cool off.

    Threatening Behaviour

    Not acceptable. Making threats against other users will not be tolerated. Please note that this does NOT include the threat of moderator action. Threats against Zerogain as a whole will result in a ban.

    This is a call for some self-moderation. Adults should behave as adults. You may have certain views and you might wish to exercise your freedom of speech but there are times when that is not appropriate.

    These guidelines will be enforced through moderator's judgement and discretion. Moderators WILL take into account a poster's previous history in making their judgement.
    I-S, Aug 5, 2005
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