Just received my copy of 'New Favorite' By Alison Krauss yesterday. I bought it on Diverse vinyl, which has recently received some press for audiophle releases of 'normal - non audiophile bands' - basically they remaster it seems from the original tape, avoiding the usual fare of second rate artists recorded to perfection. This album is cracking. The sound quality does it justice. Buy it Buy it Buy it Buy it. Come to the valve/vinyl day and then buy it, or do it in advance. This is awesome stuff. Essentially, its bluegrass country guitar, with singing which doesnt have that country twang... sort of fantastically played acoustic guitar with vocal in a bluegrass veign, but without the twang or the yeehaa. :D My album of the year so far. Regards A krauss convert. PS YAY! a new forum to play on - seeing friends here already, this is my first post, hope people jump here instead of in the water when abandoning ship.