Newbie with questions...

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Heavymental, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. Heavymental


    Dec 10, 2003
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    Hello folks,
    I've just made the voyage over from HFC and noticed your all over here too! so hello one and all.
    I've got a couple of questions running over there that aren't drawing too many opinions so I thought i'd pester you lot for some ideas. before I start....i'm new to all this and still getting to grips with concepts. anyway....
    I'm all set on buying myself a PM7200 after crimbo and while i'm hanging around reading these forums i've developed a couple of concerns.
    Firstly....I don't think i'm going to be using the 'listen to what your recording' feature on this amp at all, will the KI dispense with this as i'm aware less circuitry/simplicity is good?
    Secondly....its occured to me that i'm listening to alot of vinyl at the moment. I'm lead to believe this amp is quite revealing (not got a chance to demo it yet as i'm stuck in deepest darkest west wales). Is this going to be a problem as i don't want to be made aware of every mark on my charity shop vinyl. Is this a problem? whats the solution?
    Also...when I get around to demoing this beast, any suggestions on what speakers to try that i can pick up for less that 200 big ones?
    And finally....i've going for this amp mainly based on the critical acclaim its attracted....but am open to suggestions for something sweet for similar cash.
    Thanks is advance for your expert advice.
    p.s the name is a hiphop album i'm partial too...i'm not really a metalhed so bear in mind i'm listening to anything from Elton John :rolleyes: to Mr Scruff and plenty in between.
    Heavymental, Dec 10, 2003
  2. Heavymental

    amazingtrade Mad Madchestoh fan

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I've got the PM6010OSE. I find the phono stage on that to be very revealing compared to others. However it does a good job of hiding scratches etc but not as well as other preamps I have heared.

    What turntable are using? The phono pre-amps in Marantz products are usualy good quality. The record while you listen feature does use extra circuitary but its only tiny bit its not worth worrying about it.

    I know my 6010OSE is very simple in terms of design. If the input selector is just a switch instead of the more complex relay design often found in marantz products. There is no fancy record input selectors or even mutiple speaker switches etc. Its just a very simple amp with a remote control for the volume pot.

    That is what the OSE badge is meant to do. I've seen the OSE version of the new PM4400 and it does have all these extra features on it. For this reason I would not be surprised if the PM7200KI did have all these extra features you do not need. The 6010OSE/KI may have been the last of the simple Marantz amps :(
    amazingtrade, Dec 10, 2003
  3. Heavymental


    Sep 1, 2003
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    Hi Heavymental (Life is a test many quest the universe....)

    Slightly different tack as I don't know anything about the sound of the amp in question, but if vinyl noise is a problem for you(I buy loads of car boot stuff so know what you mean) I'd recommend one the DIY record cleaning machines to reduce the pops and crackles in question(if you don't use one already that is).

    If you do a google search for 'diy record cleaning machine' you should come up with quite a few handy matches, with instructions, parts lists, costs, etc - about £50.00 should cover the total outlay, including the £20.00 VPI record cleaning brush you'll require, and if you're playing a lot of vinyl I rate it as a sound(pun intended) investment.

    Hope that's of use and good luck with it,

    Goomer, Dec 10, 2003
  4. Heavymental


    Dec 10, 2003
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    Cheers guys, My turntable is an old NAD 5120 with a not so hot ortofon OMB 5E stylus that i picked up on EBAY when i knew no better although its done me alright. Anyone know anything about this deck BTW?
    I've been using a cloth and fluid to clean my records at the moment and its worked well to clean up some of the mildew covered purchases from the shite shops. But i'll have a look at record cleaning machines. you mean the pre-amp is part of the amp itself or do you have to buy it seperately?
    Cheers for tips.
    Heavymental, Dec 12, 2003
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