Next CD Tweak

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by denney10, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. denney10


    Mar 5, 2005
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    Does anyone have experience with Trichord clock 4 and never connected or Whest DAP10?

    I am considering either for my Audionet Art cd player and wondered what might be best option for improvement?
    denney10, Jan 6, 2006
  2. denney10

    STELLABAGPUSS Happy Chappy

    Dec 4, 2004
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    Stourport On Severn,Worcestershire
    I've currently have a Clock 4 Fitted to my Meridian 500 Transport, this had a BIG improvement on sound plaing through my MF XDACV3. The Never connected Supply is again susposed to make a big improvement, and it's going to be my next upgrade when the funds are available.
    Does your player suffer from poor jitter, most modern players don't these days,thats why you will find Clock 4 Unit's being fitted to older players, I can't say I have heard of your player,how old is it?
    And what type of improvement are you looking from your current player.
    No doubt other forum users will be along with some good advice.
    STELLABAGPUSS, Jan 6, 2006
  3. denney10


    Mar 5, 2005
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    I'm not aware that my player suffers from jitter and not surprised that you haven't heard of the Audionet either. Not many have but it is a great but heavy (18kg) player from Germany. I compared it against MF308, meridianG08 and naimCDX2 at the time but preferred the Audionet.

    Not sure what i'm looking for really just feel it's time to tweak something and having recently had my audiolab pre and powers upgraded thought the cd player could do with something! If it is only a good idea to reclock ageing players and more recent (mine is only 12 months old) do not benefit greatly, then maybe the Trichord is not a good way to go?

    Any more ideas/comments appreciated.
    denney10, Jan 7, 2006
  4. denney10


    Dec 12, 2005
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    I had my Sugden transport upgraded with the Clock 4 and Never Connected Supply and it made a substantial difference (I would say improvement) to the sound quality.

    Will it work for you?

    Well I had mine done through CPT acoustics in Ludlow (recommended by Trichord) and when I arrived with my stuff Colin sat me down to listen to my player in order to evaluate whether he thought the upgrade could be justified.

    He concluded that it would improve things, spent two hours doing the work the sat me down again to listen. From the outset it was aparent that I had just spent £400 for a very substantial improvement.
    HR100MCS, Jan 8, 2006
  5. denney10

    STELLABAGPUSS Happy Chappy

    Dec 4, 2004
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    Stourport On Severn,Worcestershire
    I Can also recomend Colin from (CPT) he has done all my fittting, and is pretty resonable price wise, he has a lot of knowledge,simply from fitting and modding some many players over the years for trichcord. If you buy direct from him, I believe he may offer reduced or even free fitting of the clock 4 / NCS. Drop him a email or a telephone, he is very helpful. Here is the link to his website

    In regards to modern players not responding as well as older players, my only experience is from a few players.I Fitted a clock 4 to a Pioneer DVD PLAYER 575A. Well l can report there was an improvement, but not a hugh one. Again the Pioneer 575A is held in high regard as a transport, so guess it wasn't poor to start of with, years ago I fitted a Clock 2 to a old Phillips CD950, the improvement was hugh, and recently has a Clock 2 Fitted to a SONY 930QS, again this is a highly regarded transport,and again the improvement was very small,also my current player Meridian 500 also had a hugh lift in performance when ehe Clock 4 was fitted. Anyway I guess you are getting the picture now, go and give Colin (CPT) a ring, he will probably help to put your mind at rest.
    STELLABAGPUSS, Jan 9, 2006
  6. denney10


    Jun 19, 2003
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    I had the clock & PSU fitted to a Teac DV50 not long ago following a listen to a good friends ageing Teac T1
    it gave that unit quite a shot in the arm
    I left mine playing 24/7 for just over a week, TBO I could'nt hear any improvement,that said I used the TEAC almost exclusively as a CD transport,

    RE the whest DP10
    Well the guy at Whest was very keen for me to home demo a unit with my AA,However following on from a thread started some while back the replies were shall we say some what mixed,the demo unit never arrived and he did'nt seem quite so keen to send one in my follow up contacts {maybe he reads zerogain} :)
    that said I have since spoken to a guy in Holland who bought A DAP10 to use with his AA and he still has both the AA & DAP10 as far as I'm aware
    Ya-Boo, Jan 9, 2006
  7. denney10


    Nov 29, 2005
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    I use a Whest Dap10 with my Meridian G08 CD player connected with Silver Arrow clear reference cables and think that it has contributed greatly to the quality of sound from my system.

    My dealings with Whest Audio have been very amicable and I also rate their phonostage very highly.
    palacefan, Jan 9, 2006
  8. denney10

    Will The Lucky One

    Feb 14, 2004
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    No experience of the clock 4 but will echo the recommendation for CPT acoustics - when I met with Colin he was most helpful, friendly and knew what he was doing (I took a trichord powerblock that I believed was faulty for him to take a look at....he found no fault, and didn't charge me a penny despite me taking his time early on a weekday morning).

    Will hopefully be able to offer some thoughts on the difference a good trichord 4 clocked transport can sound in a couple of weeks or so though - will shortly have a Teac T1 which shall be winging its way to WM who can hopefully get it back to rude health :)
    Will, Jan 10, 2006
  9. denney10

    Dynamic Turtle The Bydo Destroyer

    Feb 23, 2005
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    Too bloody right - that's an enormous sum of money for an oscilator circuit & PSU!

    Clearly in the wrong business :eek:
    Dynamic Turtle, Jan 10, 2006
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