NOS DAC from Derek Shek...need opinions!!

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Jose Garcia, Jul 9, 2006.

  1. Jose Garcia

    Jose Garcia

    Feb 18, 2004
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    Puerto Rico
    "Can't remember, I still post occasionally on AA (Handle there is Thorsten), I do remember discussing the Room Lenses at the time, but not sure what (if any) I contributed...."

    Sure were you!! After reading about the Room Lenses at Stereophile, the reviewer asked a question which was answered by a neglection.....The question was something like.." Are these tubes what I think they are ( PVC Tubing) ..."?

    Well, they were and Greg Weaver from SoundStage and Jon Risch from AudioAsylum posted some pictures and details. The most important and difficult detail was the innards. At the time, you were the one who supplied a detailed instruction on what and how the stuff inside the tubing was distributed. You stated that a friend made an X-Ray to the tubes and each was filled in a certain way ( from top-to-bottom ).

    Thanks for that....:D


    Jose Garcia, Jul 14, 2006
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