
Discussion in 'General Music' started by Mr_Sukebe, Mar 29, 2004.

  1. Mr_Sukebe


    Jun 19, 2003
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    I was just flicking through the old CD collection last night, couldn't resist a quick listen to 3 tracks off "Morning Glory". It wasn't until I was part way into "roll with it", that I realised I'd not listened to the CD in couple of years, and certainly not on the latest iteration of the stereo.
    Weird stuff. Instead of the usual "WALL OF SOUND" that Oasis seem to push out, I actually had something that was very musical, and well defined (well apart from the pure distortion that was emanating from my right hand speaker, which I assume was meant to be a guitar and not a random distortion generator).

    Whatever, was still very boppy, foot tappy and great to listen to...
    Mr_Sukebe, Mar 29, 2004
  2. Mr_Sukebe

    amazingtrade Mad Madchestoh fan

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I find most Oasis tracks ok now on my HIFI system, my new CD player has really helped reduce the brightness, however Cigars and Ethanol still sounds far too bright on my system.

    My sister has this system:

    Cambridge Audio CD32
    1970's Pioneer amp (80WPC into 8ohms)
    Crappy Pioneer speakers (£20 richer sounds one with my own fitted Audax Tweeters)

    you can image how awfullly bright it sounds her system!
    amazingtrade, Mar 30, 2004
  3. Mr_Sukebe

    ilockyer rockin' in the free world

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Devon, England
    So, Oasis are to headline Glastonbury on the Friday night? That's great news, should mean there'll be loads of room at the other stages while they're on, much the same as it was with Radiohead being there last year. Definitely Maybe was a good album and the singles Whatever and Some Might Say were as good, but from there on it was downhill IMO.
    ilockyer, Mar 30, 2004
  4. Mr_Sukebe

    Fanny Batter

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Troll village
    I've seen Oasis three times at Glasto and each time they've delivered a set of visceral and thrilling rock n roll, which any number of bands could learn from.

    As for their records, if Oasis were an unknown group when they released the albums that came after Morning Glory, they would be raved about IMO. Those albums always end up being held up against the first two, but they were never gonna compare, how could they ? How many bands can you think of who keep up that level of quality album after album? Most groups never release one record anywhere near that good in their entire careers.

    Knocking Oasis seems to have become a national pastime, but they are one of the greatest british bands, we should treasure them.
    Fanny Batter, Mar 31, 2004
  5. Mr_Sukebe


    Jun 19, 2003
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    You're dead right in saying that the first two Oasis albums are seriously brilliant.
    The problem is that as a band they clearly never learned to develop by wandering off in a new direction.
    Consider why some of the long standing "great" bands survived and you'll see that they go explore new areas, instead of just re-hashing old ones. Maybe one day Oasis will learn this and come back in the style they deserve.
    Mr_Sukebe, Mar 31, 2004
  6. Mr_Sukebe

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Hello Suk,

    Possibly, definitely, maybe, :D perhaps,............. but unlikely IMO

    I think you pretty much got it spot on though. The first two albums were good (with their debut being Great). But, like a few other bands, they don't seem able to progress. Travis syndrome! Yes what they do is good, but not over an over an over an over! Some might say they need to roll with it a bit more. They can't live forever on their past albums or they'll simply slide away! I hope they don't go away, and maybe now they're past their rock n roll star stage I hope, I know, I think their music can get better (man!!). D'You know what I mean? Now that the're grown up a bit, married with children, and all that, perhpas they'd MOve on from their cigarettes and alcohol binging. Perhaps follow the Beatles and take loads of drugs and experiment! Perhaps a trip to Columbia, get high, float up in the sky and all that will get them back on track.

    Ouch! just stubbed my toe on the Wonderwal l:shame: :nuno: :newbie:
    MO!, Mar 31, 2004
  7. Mr_Sukebe

    domfjbrown live & breathe psy-trance

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
    Sorry - got to admit I find "What's the story?" patchy - I can't listen to it without programming out half of the crap filler.

    "Definitely maybe" though - now that's different....

    I'll be at a different stage when Oasis are on too, I'm afraid.

    Assuming I manage to get a ticket tonight that is!
    domfjbrown, Apr 1, 2004
  8. Mr_Sukebe

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    You lot suck! My last p[ost was a work of genius! Not one of you noticed! :rolleyes:

    I'm wasted on you!

    Wasted I tells ya!!!

    MOdest MO
    MO!, Apr 1, 2004
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