OE help!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by MO!, Mar 23, 2004.

  1. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Been waiting on my college tutor to email me some drawings I need for my CAD course.

    Got round to sending them just now but for some reason I can't get at them!

    "OE reMOved access to the following unsafe attachments in your mail"

    It then lists the 6 attachments (.dwg extensions)

    I need them! Help!!! Grrr!!!

    Is there a way of getting at them?

    Also, not sure why they're classed as unsafe? I've got loads of dwg files on here, and the ones in the email show the right autoCAD icon and such. I don't think my tutor will have sent me a virus :rolleyes:

    Any help muchio apprecio

    MO!, Mar 23, 2004
  2. MO!


    Jun 20, 2003
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    Go to Tools, Options..., then the "Security" tab of that dialog.
    Remove the check from "Do not allowattachmentsto be saved or opened that..." (2nd checkbox of "Virus Protection") section.

    Comes automatically checked with recent updates. Have you updated your OE recently?

    You may want to set the check again after you've got at the dwg files. My guess is that there's some way of embedding a virus in the .dwg format?
    GrahamN, Mar 23, 2004
  3. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Cheers Graham :)

    I've not updated OE that I'm aware of.

    When I changed the settings I accidently closed OE after. When I started it up again my antiv virus (AVG) which has an email scanning function detected a worm in an email in my inbox (spam with a txt file attached) that I'd not opened or deleted yet. It said it was trying to reMOve it......... then said it was unable to :rolleyes:

    Not sure why it didn't pick this up when I first recieved the email? Or did OE itself!

    Perhaps having the OE virus protection ticked prevents AVG from running properly, over ridng it sort of.


    Thanks again :)
    MO!, Mar 24, 2004
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