Old-fashioned LPs

Discussion in 'Classical Music' started by karensolgard, Dec 14, 2003.

  1. karensolgard


    Dec 4, 2003
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    Minneapolis, MN
    I see that a lot of the threads here deal with fidelity issues, old versus new technology. You might find this amusing.

    Recently we were moving books, LPs, tapes, etc. to new locations in the house. LPs and phonograph player were resurrected from the basement. I pulled out some of my favorite LPs from my childhood for my kids to hear. My 12-year-old daughter needed coaching to use the record player, a much more delicate operation that the push-button CD players she knows. She was also amazed to see that you could turn over the disc and there was more music on the other side!

    God Jul,
    karensolgard, Dec 14, 2003
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