Opinions on Merdian 506.24

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by amdworld, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. amdworld


    Jun 17, 2004
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    anyone wish to share there opinion on the Meridian 506.24 cdp.just bought one and quite suprised just how much this small heavy box produces such arich warm sound.compared to my ARCAM CD93T the sound is very different ,however early days till i can really sum up the differences.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2004
    amdworld, Sep 21, 2004
  2. amdworld


    Sep 19, 2004
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    I have a 506.24 and I really love it. Its been faultless to date [touch wood] and a pleasure to own... and I don't work for Meridian! ;o)

    I recently put it up against my mates MF X-Ray [old style] and we BOTH agreed that it was more refined, natural and an easier ride.

    The XR did put a little more space in the stage but on further listening it seemed forced. The 506.24 was more natural and more musical and there was a large improvement in overall detail.

    Both were on an RDC rack and used Valhalla power cords into an Audio Synth Passive, Chord SPM1200C and Nautilus 804's.

    My only criticisms are:
    No XLR's
    No internal volume [though the MSR remote suggests that it has]
    The software takes a few while to read the discs and only reads them when you hit play, not when the CD is loaded into the player

    I really can't fault the sound for the money, which suits my tastes to a tee.

    I'm looking to sell mine next year but the biggest compliment I can give it is that I have left it until last to uprade, because I know it is not [totally] out of its depth with the rest of my kit - Passion pre/Levinson power/Benesch Disco's/Valhalla IC's and SPM spkr cable/Valhalla power and RDC isolation.

    Will only be sold for a 390s or 861 though, as I think the Meridian 808 will be a little too steep for me when its out!
    Pete, Sep 22, 2004
  3. amdworld


    Jun 17, 2004
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    Well one week on and im rather shocked to say the least .Comparing this secondhand Meridian 506.24 to a 9 month old CD93T.
    I now know and understand the phrase "colouration" and in my view "colouration leads to a negative point.The CD93T has certainly a coloured sound and less detail is reproduced albeit the CD93T is clean,however in comparison the CD93T shows a tendency to lose the pace of complicated music recordings(i.e Lifes what you make it by Talk Talk).
    The Meridian 506.24 gives you an impressive uncoloured and detailed playback.Rhythm,timing,natural uncoloured sound and seperation is impressive for now a so called obselete machine.
    Build quality in comparison to the ARCAM series is far better no flimsy disc trays and the CHASIS is bombproof and the finish of the glass laquered top is
    and was a classy move.
    Basically the Meridian 506.24 reproduces the way it was recorded, on some tracks (talk talk-colour of spring album for e.g) i swear blind you could hear the acoustics of the recording studio and those subtle differences that until you have heard the difference makes you sit back and play more.
    I strongly reccommend if you are considering a new CDP based on £1000-£1500 or perhaps more budget look for one of these and if you are dissapointed contact me .
    Ive sampled many machines in the £500-£1500 new range over the last 12 months and ignoring the price I really honestly have to say a second hand Meridian 506.24 has impressed me most of all.

    makes me wonder whether designers and engineers have seen the optimum in CD players has modern current designs are now focusing on ergonomics or DVD / SURROUND players.???

    a happy :MILD:
    amdworld, Sep 25, 2004
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