Outlook - Hotmail Email problems

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by la toilette, Apr 3, 2006.

  1. la toilette

    la toilette Downright stupid

    Jan 21, 2005
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    I've just done a website for my business, well, I say done, it's basically up there but needs some tweaking.....nothing flash, just info really...

    A-N-Y-W-A-Y, a while ago I registered a new hotmail account to use for my work, and I decided to use that for the website contact info to keep work stuff seperate from social stuff. I stuck the email address on the site for contact info (on welcome page and contact page). The problem is this: if I click on the email address on my site it opens up my Outlook express as my default email prog, fine, and I can send OK, but the mail never arrives and eventually I get an undelivered mail message. If I send a mail to my hotmail account from my Yahoo email account then it arrives fine. I've received several mails into my hotmail account from elsewhere so presume the fault is maybe at the outlook end? Or maybe my service provider - wanadoo?

    It's a concern as I want people to be able to contact me via my website details, regardless of whether they use outlook express or not!

    Undelivered message says:
    <[email protected]>: delivery temporarily suspended: connect to
    pamx1.hotmail.com[]: Connection timed out

    :confused: :confused:

    website: www.dcstonework.co.uk
    la toilette, Apr 3, 2006
  2. la toilette


    Dec 28, 2005
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    There appears from you note to be a connection problem between your outlook express through wanadoo - may be there is some problem between wanadoo and hotmail. (that is what the message suggests). It could be one of the following

    1. Hotmail's name look up is old in wanadoo's reference and the server its connecting to for mail is out of service.
    2. Hotmail is rejecting the wanadoo message for some reason - assuming its spam or something (is the outbound email address a wanadoo one or something else as it may compare the 2 and reject the message as a possible spam).

    There are some other reasons which I cannot remember off the top of my head.

    Email wanadoo and see if they can shed any light.
    indolent, Apr 3, 2006
  3. la toilette

    la toilette Downright stupid

    Jan 21, 2005
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    Thanks for the advice/tips.

    I've contacted freeserve (wanadoo rather), hotmail, and have also been in touch with my web hosting folk also, although I don't think the problem lies there. I could simply create a new email address on my own domain but having already got my hotmail account on business cards etc (as well as my home email AND a yahoo account I use for basic internet use), it could all get rather confusing with yet another email account!

    I've checked all my hotmail settings and there doesn't appear to be anything that would be specifically blocking the freeserve mails - I've put the spam filter to a medium setting and I have nothing in my 'blocking' list. I'll see what comes of my enquiries, but if any more possibilities spring to mind then feel free to suggest them!
    la toilette, Apr 3, 2006
  4. la toilette


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Devon, UK
    Did Wanadoo get you to check your anti-virus and firewall settings - that's assuming you have such things active?
    HenryT, Apr 3, 2006
  5. la toilette

    la toilette Downright stupid

    Jan 21, 2005
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    Wanadoo haven't replied to my query as yet. I use Zonealarm security suite so yes, I have both a firewall and antivirus. I hadn't thought to check them but I will do now, good call. I've sort of worked out a bodge - that is to set up an account on my website that visitors can mail which then gets auto-forwarded to my hotmail account. This seems to work fine, and is a good work-around, and if all else fails will suffice!!


    Turning Zonealarm off makes no difference, so I guess it's not an AV or firewall prob...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2006
    la toilette, Apr 3, 2006
  6. la toilette


    Dec 28, 2005
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    Question to try help sort it.

    1. Do you email out of outlook express with a wanadoo email name ?
    2. I will send a message through my clients mail system to see if it comes through.

    PM me if it actually arrives :D
    indolent, Apr 4, 2006
  7. la toilette

    greg Its a G thing

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Wiltshire UK
    Personal rec. gmail are now supporting a Business Email type facility so you can have emails to you @ your web domain going to a gmail account and they will also appear from you @ your domain by reply. I think having a web site but a hotmail email address doesnt feel right. I'd ditch Outlook and go Gmail if I was you. PM me if you need any advice regards configuring your domain etc or need an invite to join Gmail. HTH G
    greg, Apr 4, 2006
  8. la toilette

    la toilette Downright stupid

    Jan 21, 2005
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    Well, mysteriously it has all started working!

    I've still had no reply from wanadoo or hotmail from my queries but at some point today a whole batch of emails that I sent to myself yesterday all arrived.....now when I send one it comes straight through. Maybe it was indolents test mail that cleared the blockage, as it arrived just ahead of the rest!

    Greg; I know what you mean about the whole hotmail address thing, I thought so myself as soon as I put it on the site, it's just with all those business cards I have printed up........:mad: Before I'd even really thought about the website thing I wanted an address that related to my business name, and hotmail was a convenient option at the time! I didn't think far enough ahead......
    I'll look into the gmail thing and maybe PM you for more info later, thanks for the tip.
    la toilette, Apr 4, 2006
  9. la toilette

    [email protected]

    Apr 15, 2006
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    Similar problem

    I was interested to read this thread as I receive this message periodically when sending emails to hotmail addresses. I use Microsoft Outlook for my email and have McCafee Security Centre installed. Occasionally an email gets through, but the annoying fact is that the error message for non-delivery appears a couple of days or so after I have sent an email. I have no problems whatsoever sending emails to other addresses.
    Any guidance would be very much appreciated as I don't know if the problem is at my end or the recipients end (or in between).
    [email protected], Apr 15, 2006
  10. la toilette

    la toilette Downright stupid

    Jan 21, 2005
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    I had considered updating this thread earlier as shortly after I posted to say that everything was fine, the mails stopped getting through again and, like you Colin, I still get the undelivered messages a couple of days later.

    I got a reply from hotmail suggesting the problem was general internet congestion :)rolleyes:) or other such nonsense, and haven't bothered chasing it up further as I have decided to switch to using a different address on my website and updating the address on my business cards when I run out of the current batch.

    I never did get a reply from Wanadoo regarding this problem...? Maybe I'll try again.
    la toilette, Apr 15, 2006
  11. la toilette


    Dec 28, 2005
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    Sadly this is hotmail not quite admitting their mail handling isnt upto the job.

    If you want / need a detailed description of how your mail would be handled then PM me but its kinda boring so i wont post it here. :D
    indolent, Apr 15, 2006
  12. la toilette

    la toilette Downright stupid

    Jan 21, 2005
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    Thanks for the kind offer but tbh having decided to phase out my hotmail address anyway my appetite for technical info on this is now much depleted! :D
    la toilette, Apr 15, 2006
  13. la toilette

    [email protected]

    Apr 15, 2006
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    Many thanks for this response - I would be interested to know how mails are handled. I have read all the replies and the answer for me is not within my control ie I am sending emails to friends who have hotmail addresses. Sending mails and not knowing for 2 days or so whether they have got through or not makes the whole exercise pointless. I really would like to know an answer. I mailed wanadoo with my non-delivery message and they just said the following "Our service is compatible with Hotmail and other services provided by MSN. We know of no current issues with our service that would cause the problems you describe.We therefore suggest that you contact MSN support directly".

    I am going away for 10 days tomorrow AM and will not be able to see any responses until I return.

    Many thanks for your assistance.
    [email protected], Apr 16, 2006
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