Parcel Farce

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by penance, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. penance

    themadhippy seen it done it smokin it

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    by the cross
    why not change it so buisnees deliverys stay as they are, but domestic deliverys go out at around 6pm?
    themadhippy, Feb 24, 2004
  2. penance

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    In my 8 years as a courier i never once missed a collection or delivery by more than 1 hour (and that was extreme) let alone completely fail to collect.
    I was not in when they called, because they called 1 hour and 20 minutes before the specified time.
    penance, Feb 24, 2004
  3. penance

    mick parry stroppy old git

    Jun 21, 2003
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    A few questions

    WM..."Mick did you take time out of your busy shedule to mingle with the 'public' at all?"

    To what event are you referring?

    Also a couple of updates, I work for Royal Mail, not PF but will be leaving in a few weeks as I am taking early retirement.

    I am heading up to Cheltenham with my mangy dog and alms bowl for a spot of begging. Times are going to be tough. I may have to sell the CDS3 and buy a bloody Wadia. Oh the humiliation of it all.


    Why are you so grumpy tonight. Do a private op tomorrow and buy yourself a 552. That will put a smile on your face.


    mick parry, Feb 24, 2004
  4. penance

    wadia-miester Mighty Rearranger

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Beyond the 4th Dimension
    Mick, I was referring, to the Bristol show, you know the one, naim usually hire the presidential suite and showcase their latest & greatest there.
    Mick, no humiliation or copious amounts of humble required sir, I believe the word used to describe the difference between a cds3/and a certain wadia cdp lately was 'obliterated' & from a hardened serial died in wool follower of sailsburys finest audio exports. and for under half the price, he was some what shocked.
    I'm glad Mick you've not left it too late to sample lifes finer things, I say three cheers for Mick P, who dogged deterimation to seek out audio excellence, is not restricted to just one make, good stuff Mick :)
    wadia-miester, Feb 24, 2004
  5. penance


    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Devon, UK
    Blimey, excuse me whilst I roll over and die from shock! :eek: ;) I've never ever experienced a specified time for collection or delivery from any courier company (but then I've used a really expensive or fancy super dooper courier service). IME you're usually lucky to get a specification of either AM or PM, but more usual than not you'll have to wait in all day and expect the van to turn up sometime between 9 and 5... :rolleyes:

    There is the automatic expectation that everyone is able to take an entire day off work just to wait in for a courier/postal van to turn up, naturally! :p Out of office hours delivery becoming the norm, that'll never happen... ;)

    Sadly there are still too many mail order firms out there who insist on delivering to the card holder's address and it would be more than their job's worth to do otherwise. I've taken my business elsewhere on those occassions. In this particular scenario though it's got nothing to do with the way that the delivery/postal services operate, but rather it's down to the anality of the business you're trying to deal with.
    HenryT, Feb 25, 2004
  6. penance

    nsherin In stereo nirvana...

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Portsmouth, UK
    Ah yes the classic 'any time after lunch' loose approximation of delivery time. I recall us once having a washing machine delivered after 10PM once! However, this was Hong Kong. Doubt you'd have the delivery firms working much after 6PM in this country.... ;)
    nsherin, Feb 25, 2004
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