Pathos Acoustic Classic One Mk11

Discussion in 'Trade Adverts and Discussion' started by nando, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. nando

    nando nando

    Jun 1, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Sold ,i Have Now A Mk111 For £1275.00
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2009
    nando, Jan 1, 2009
  2. nando


    Jun 9, 2006
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    My house!
    Don't these retail for less brand new Nando?
    zygote23, Jan 1, 2009
  3. nando

    D Louth 77

    Jun 13, 2008
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    Price Wrong

    Hi Nando

    Zygote 23 is right the Pathos Classic mk 2 sold new for £1350, price went up when it became a mk3/

    When in the trade and according to Nick Green ( UKD, the distributor) I was the number one at selling these, in the UK ( I didn't sell them they sold themselves).

    This is a fabulous amp and if anyone has a mk2 (not mk1 or mk 3), buying this would give you a great upgrade as you can make it a mono integrated amp ( switch inside, clearly marked flick it and wire the amp according to the instructions and Wow. However do read the instructions or if you wire the amp up wrong BANG !)135 watts and you don't loose the magic sound.

    If you are thinking of buying one (I strongly recommend this) when Nando checks his price. I would avoid very hard to drive speakers and speakers that are forward or bright other than that everything Sam Telig said about it in Stereophile is IMHO true. I have two of these which I run as Mono integrateds with Sonus Fabers pure magic.

    Also it sounds better when you use the XLR inputs and if your CDP is USA made get the phase on the XLR cables swapped + to - and - to +at the amp end (USA XLR are wired differently to UK/European ones). Easily done with most cables or if your CDP has a phase switch, switch it on. I could hear this and thus had cables made to suit. Not everyone is phase sensitive.

    Amazing amp a true classic and drop dead looks.:):):):):):):)

    Regards D Louth 77 :)
    D Louth 77, Jan 1, 2009
  4. nando

    nando nando

    Jun 1, 2006
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    thanks, i got the price amended,
    all the best, nando
    nando, Jan 2, 2009
  5. nando

    Dynamic Turtle The Bydo Destroyer

    Feb 23, 2005
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    Had one of these for a while and it is a beautiful amp both visually and sonically. Agree about the sensitivity issues though. It did struggle with my SF Signums in stereo mode. Although you can get them for circa £700, they're still a bargain at £1200.

    D. Louth, how do you rate the Class A TT-RR?

    Dynamic Turtle, Jan 2, 2009
  6. nando

    SMEagol Because we wants it...

    Mar 23, 2007
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    I agree the mark II and III are head and shoulders above the first version. I had the first version and my mate whose marriage had just broken down came over for beers and sympathy. I asked him what vinyl he'd like to hear and it was yet again a singularly bland performance (all treble then mud), I was frankly embarrassed when the sound on my Sony TV kicked its arse, although it was total Italian eye candy which I bought without even hearing (oops). I moved the Mark One version on after A LOT of reductions and took a huge kicking, as everyone had heard just how amazingly good the Mark II was and to avoid mine like the plague! (Thanks Pathos!) I wouldn't hesitate to get either the V2 or V3 as its a sorted bit of kit that just looks soooo gorgeous!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2009
    SMEagol, Jan 2, 2009
  7. nando

    D Louth 77

    Jun 13, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Pathos TT RR

    DT to answer your question, well pure magic but treat it like a Single ended valve amp only 35 watts class A ( it is load intolerant). The new version is not quite as bad (has XLR ins ). However it likes simple loads and I would not use speakers which are to bass heavy. The inpol sq amps + the Logos can sound just a wee bit to bass heavy if your speakers are to much full range. however get it right and these are by far the best Hybrid amps I have heard ( I haven't heard everything though).

    I nearly bought a TT RR(I was using Ruark Equinox Speakers, which suited it very well), but I could not lift the amp much by myself and so I bought A BAT vk 300 se instead. Excellent but not the same. I have had the Logos and heard the inpol squared, very good( got rid of the Logos mk 1 for the Clasic one mk 2 ( much better IMHO) and I have also heard the In Power and In control pre -power here at home as well. The speakers I have now just were not right with this pre - power combo. I was heart broken to give them back. I may well look at a TT RR in the future as I just loved the sound.

    I use 2 classics ones mk 2 as mono integrateds on my SF Signums with a Chord one CDP hooked up in balanced mode. Very nice.

    The mk1 sucked big time. Nuff said.

    Regards D louth 77 :)

    Nice to have you back Chris, we have missed you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2009
    D Louth 77, Jan 3, 2009
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