Personal MP3 Players

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by ilockyer, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. ilockyer

    ilockyer rockin' in the free world

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Devon, England
    I'm thinking of getting one of these since my discman and MD portable both managed to die last year within about 2 weeks of each other. Both were great machines, but the volume of software that needs to be carried around is kind of off-putting. Anyone here got any good recommendations for one? I can't afford and don't want an iPod, just something that'll allow me to have a few CDs worth of tunes encoded in at least 192kb quality and cost less than about £80.

    Any info. appreciated.
    ilockyer, Dec 30, 2004
  2. ilockyer

    amazingtrade Mad Madchestoh fan

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Not sure of anything specific but if you have a lot of spare SD/MC cards Microdirect do a half decent one for £22 with no memory so you can easily expand it to what ever capacity you want upto 1gb.

    Richersounds had some philips ones in quite cheap but I think they only sell upto 256MB ones. The IRIVER series get very good reviews but I don't think you can get them for £80.
    amazingtrade, Dec 30, 2004
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