Phono stage hum ?

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Andrewxyz, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. Andrewxyz


    Nov 6, 2003
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    I've just got round to fitting a new AT33PTC to my Tecnoarm and am now getting an alarmingly loud hum and a high pitched noise.

    Previously I've run the Tecnoarm into a Graham Slee Era Gold with a MM and never had any problems.

    As I'm now using a MC I've put a Graham Slee Elevator into the mix as well (had this for a while but have never used it)

    I thought it could be my diy interconnects but swapping them for known good ones hasn't helped either.

    The PSU's are on the floor away from the kit, cables are as separate as possible, earth wire is going to the connection on the back of the Elevator (moving to the earth on the phono stage or the earth tab on the mains block didn't help either)

    Disconnecting the earth wire gets rid of the hum but there is still a high pitched whining noise.

    Cartridge sounds very good but the unwanted noise is annoying!

    Any suggestions welcome :confused:
    Andrewxyz, Apr 13, 2008
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