Phono Stage - Not Enough Gain for TVC pre

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by johnfromnorwich, Dec 30, 2007.

  1. johnfromnorwich

    johnfromnorwich Tannerd.

    Dec 8, 2005
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    Hi folks, I'm looking for some advice regarding phono stages with adjustable gain and impedence. I recently moved over to a Denon DL110 'high output' moving coil but it isn't really 'high output' enough for my Creek OBH-8 MM phono stage (37 db gain). My pre-amp is passive (Glasshouse TVC) and I'm just not getting enough welly. CD is fine, but the TT is my main source.

    I otherwise quite like the Denon (plus they are pretty cheap) but it seems to fall right between the recommended output characteristics for all the MM and MC stages I can afford. The question is: Am I better off biting the bullet and getting a dedicated MC stage and switching to (for example) a DL103 or even reverting to MM (rather not) or is there an affordable, switchable stage out there that I've missed?
    johnfromnorwich, Dec 30, 2007
  2. johnfromnorwich


    Nov 30, 2006
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    N.Y. U.S.A.
    Can you say step up trannie. The only creveat with TVCs is the phono synergy. Just not enough gain for most MCs. Using a Micro benz M2 [.8mv] the phono has 52db of gain and its still not enough. Use the active pre for phono and CD these days. The cost of a good step up defeated the whole purpose of the TVC for me.
    You can try inserting the TVC before your Creek and run them both. Kinda a buffer with additioal gain for the phono. The buffers available only offer 6 or 12 db of gain not enough. Besides the bottom end of the Buffers available lack Bass big time.
    Since your budget appears to be limited IMO the only real solution is the one you do not want to hear. Get a higher output MM.

    rollo, Dec 30, 2007
  3. johnfromnorwich


    Aug 31, 2007
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    Hi John

    I had a little bit of the same problem once I used a low gain main amp. (Border Patrol) feed by a TVC and a low output DAC. (0,7 V P-P). I could not saturate the amp. Bweeeh...

    I had a small battery operated build in single ended Fet-tranny in the TVC's with a switch to pass it or by-pass it. The small ampy is to be placed after the trafoes of course.
    Now that would likely do the trick....but it's not available anymore.
    So I would look for a similar solution. Find a small very nice sounding step-up which fits into your TVC cabinet.

    But maybe this one can help you:

    Gerner, Dec 31, 2007
  4. johnfromnorwich

    johnfromnorwich Tannerd.

    Dec 8, 2005
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    How about the Trichord Dino ? looks like its switchable. Anyone got any experiences? Another one that's caught my eye is the WD Phono 3 - although the need for the stand alone power supply does makes it a bit pricey.
    johnfromnorwich, Jan 2, 2008
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