How do i get jpgs on my pc onto this website i have no idea how to do it.
Go into advanced view, then go into manage attachments, click on browse (or somthing similier) select the image you want to upload and press upload I think (can't remember) then submit the message as normal. I tend to host all my images I put on this site on my own site to help safe the bandwidth on this one.
As said by AT, when you are posting a message, click the 'Manage Attachments' button beneath the message box and you can upload 5 files per post (100kb max for each image attachment). We'll be sorting a more suitable system with image manipulation eventually, but you'll have to use the attachments for the time being.
I've always wondered how to do this. OK, I've uploaded an image. Now what? The image is nowhere to be seen, and there's no apparent way to get at it.
Try hosting pics on a hosting service such as set up an account with them,(it's free) and follow instructions to up load pics from your computer to photobucket, it even resizes then to 250k max, and then copy one of the 3 links to that pick it gives you.
Tones/GAZZ - please can you both try attaching an image again? If it fails, can you try with a different image, such as the ZeroGain header above (Right click > Save Image/Picture As...) Although both entries made it into the database, neither had the full data for the image saved - did you recieve any error messages? Manage Attachments > Browse > (Select file) > Upload > The attachments page will refresh and you the name of the file selected should appear on the attachments page and the thread reply page already open > Close this Window > Submit Reply
Did everything as stated. No joy, just a note to ask me to write something in my mail. No error messages received. There does seem to be something in there, but I can't access it.