power amp issue...

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by mr cat, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. mr cat

    mr cat Member of the month

    Jul 31, 2003
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    Hi guys - think I may have an issue with my nad power amp - the sound from the left channel is lower than the right one (and it seems to have got a bit worse last night!)...

    the setup I have presently is that the power amp is connected to the c350 integrated and my yammy AV amp (alternating between these can be done via a switch at the back on the power amp)...
    I swapped the speakers around - so, it's not them, but last night I swapped the ICs around (that connect to the av and integrated amps) as previously the av amp sounded fine - but when I swapped them over the left channel on the av side of things had degraded - so, this would suggest an issue with the power amp..?

    I haven't as such bypassed the power amp to confirm if that is the issue - but it does seem likely...

    when I get time over the next few days i'll open up the power amp to see whats up - what should I be looking for..??

    this is rather tempting me to sell my nad amps and buy a decent integrated (krell anyone?) and buy the Yamaha DSP-E800 av processor...

    mr cat, Mar 29, 2007
  2. mr cat

    Levi_501 Its in The Jeans...

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Sorry I am a bit confussed as to what you have done, can you write it a again perhaps. First did this, second did this...

    I use the E800, nothing spectacular but does the job.
    Levi_501, Mar 29, 2007
  3. mr cat

    mr cat Member of the month

    Jul 31, 2003
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    ok - first off - I swapped the speaker around - as I initially thought it was a speaker... no luck there.

    then last night I swapped over the interconnect from the power amp to the integrated with the interconnect from the av amp to the power amp then then played the test tones on the av amp - the sound had then degraded on the av amp left channel...
    thus - makes me think that there is an issue with the power amp?
    mr cat, Mar 29, 2007
  4. mr cat

    Levi_501 Its in The Jeans...

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Interconnect power to intergrated amp ??? Do you mean Interconnect from intergrated to power amp ?

    Are you able to go CD - Pre Amp - Power - Speaker ?

    Or volume variable CD - power amp - speaker ?

    Can you conect the pre outs on the rears to the power amp and see if there is a difference there ?
    Levi_501, Mar 29, 2007
  5. mr cat

    mr cat Member of the month

    Jul 31, 2003
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    re: - Interconnect power to intergrated amp ??? Do you mean Interconnect from intergrated to power amp ?

    same thing in my book - i.e. the interconnect connects the integrated and power amp together... :rolleyes: :D

    I don't havbe a pre amp - just an integrated (c350) - and this is what I employ - except I have a dac in the mix too.

    edit with regards to the yammy e800 - I currently use a yammy av amp which works well with the nads - in the sense that when I adjust the volume on the av amp - I don;t have to adjust the volume on the nad amp either - this I did have to do with the MD x-80 I briefly owned...therefor I think if I go down this route - I can enjoy a decent amp with having to worry about adjusting 2 volumes when watching dvds..? - I'm not too fussed about amazing sound quality as I'm more into music these days...
    mr cat, Mar 29, 2007
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