Primare System cd 204 denied assistance !!!!

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by loreliv, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. loreliv


    Oct 4, 2007
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    good morning to all..
    me to want to shortly tell my negative histories with the Primare System..
    Ten years ago, to have purchased in italy for 10.000.000 of pesant liras, the cd Player of the Primare System mod. 204, proclaimed in all the magazines audio of the time as a super reader cd, produced by the serious firm Primare in Denmark.
    Unfortunately, after a happy cohabitation made of absolute good sound, my cd to stop working, not to read the cd anymore…
    me to directly consult the Primare, sending numerous email, to which some answer has not been given.. Never!!??
    me to consult the Audiogamma, Italian distributor of Primare, that to try to send away in hurry, affirm that, be worthwhile to purchase a new cd, without trying to mend mine by now old, instead me to insist in the wish of reparation..!!
    The person responsible of the Audiogamma after a few days, to send an email.. to write that the Primare not to furnish anymore neither assistance and not even pieces of exchange for the mod. 204….!!!!????
    me not to understand what there can be of irreparable or of irreplaceable?? drawn aside himself/herself/themselves of a normal card on basic Philips full of normal components….!!??
    I am seriously angry and disappointed on the constant behavior how certain operating manufacturing e/o of the sector Hi-end to exploit our passion audio to exclusive advantage of their pockets…..
    To hope that my testimony has the purpose to warn on the probable behaviors that you could suffer, as if me, to possess an instrument (old ..10 years!!) whether to want to mend….
    me to thank for the granted space and for the opportunity to speak.
    loreliv, Jun 20, 2008
  2. loreliv


    Feb 12, 2006
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    Unfortunately, the transport that was used in 204, is not available anymore.
    Elberoth, Jun 25, 2008
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