Rant and help!

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by MO!, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Speakers = Mission 780

    In 2003 one of the LF drivers went and I contacted Mission. They sent someone to collect them, and both speakers had the LF drivers replaced and returned. Total cost of £0.00

    Excellent service!

    Several MOnths ago, one of the LF drivers started to show signs of going again. This happened for a while until it stopped working completely. The speakers were put to the side for a while then tried again before getting round to contacting Mission. Despite the other speaker showing no signs of failure before being taken out of the system, BOTH of them now had the problem :confused:

    I done all the obvious things like swapping cables, checking wiring, changing drivers between cabinets etc... all no good though.

    So, contacted Mission who said to take them to local dealer which I did. They were then sent to the service dept'. I've no reciepts for the speakers, just the reciepts from the previous repair. I left it a week and contacted the service dept' to find out what was happening. Were they covered by warranty etc...
    Told to call back the next day.

    Anyhow... I called several times and was always given the impression they'd not even looked at them. Also I was told three times calls would be returned (they had both home and MObile No.), and not once were they.

    10 weeks later, I managed to get the info off them that they're not covered by warranty apparantly and couldn't be repaired!
    10 weeks to find that out!

    I asked for them to be returned which took 2 weeks! They gave me a date, I called the store who said they didn't have them, so I called the service dept'.... who also said they didn't have them! They eventually turned up, not sure where they went in them two weeks.

    So, after all that time they've managed to do nothing apart from lose them for a couple of weeks.

    Rant over.... anyone know where I can get some LF drivers for Mission 780s?
    MO!, Apr 22, 2006
  2. MO!

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    Are these early 90s Mission Cyrus 780s or the much later version with the curvy baffle and phase plug on the bass driver?
    RobHolt, Apr 22, 2006
  3. MO!

    SteveC PrimaLuna is not cheese

    Aug 31, 2003
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    SE Norway
    It's possible to get drivers rebuilt. There's a guy with a business in London called Wembley something-or-other who I once spoke to on the phone regarding rebuilding Isobarik basses. Smart googling or someone might give you a better lead. (Maybe as simple as Wembley Loudspeakers?)
    SteveC, Apr 22, 2006
  4. MO!


    Aug 8, 2004
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    narabdela, Apr 22, 2006
  5. MO!


    Jun 20, 2003
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    Wilmslow audio may be able to offer some help too.
    zanash, Apr 23, 2006
  6. MO!


    Aug 8, 2004
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    narabdela, Apr 23, 2006
  7. MO!

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    They're the ones which first came out around 2000 I think.


    From what I've read here and elsewhere, there were a lot of problems with the original driver, and Mission had a new one built.

    I don't really want to spend much on repairs as I'd probably only get £150 max s/h and I do intend to sell and upgrade.

    There was a mixed pair on ebay whilst mine were in for *repair*, but can't see anything about at the MO.

    If anyone spots anything I'd appreciate you giving me a shout.
    MO!, Apr 23, 2006
  8. MO!

    davidcotton prog rocker, proud of it!

    Jun 22, 2003
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    Bad luck there Mo, scarily reminiscent of what I went through, through. The woofer on my left one went, took it to movement audio, moordown (it was nearer where I work)who said it would take a week to fix. Asked if they had any second hand pairs of speakers they could loan me if I left a swipe of a credit card to cover and they said nope, sorry, Anyway a week later we pop back to the shop and they go "sorry Mr Cotton, couldn't find anything wrong with em they sound fine, must be your amp thats gone bring that in and we'll take a look at it". So I get home, plug the speakers in and sure enough still the same problem. So turned everything off, unplugged the amp and this time took it to Poole Movement branch as we were going into town on saturday. Explained the situation and again asked about a loan amp. "No problem, no need for a swipe, just sign the loan book and leave us your number" was the reply as an arcam alpha 5 was handed over! So we go of and do our shopping, get back home plug the amp in, and lo and behold the left speaker still not working! Getting a tad ****ed off now, I swop the speaker over and sure enough its the speaker. So I unplug the speakers AND the amp, take both back to the Poole branch and explain whats happened. With a rather puzzled expression on the salesmans (karl, if anyone knows poole movement)face he plugs the missions into the demo system on in the front of the shop, turns everything back on and whacks the radio up. Result? No bass out one of the speakers. Told him what I'd just been through, so he rings the other branch up and gives them a flea in there ear! Then he tells me that the good news is its only £30 to replace them and its a five minute job but unfortunatly theyve got none in stock and it'll take another week to get them in!

    Anyway good luck in getting yours fixed. Rather like mine, and suspect it might be hard to find a replacement if and when they do finally give.
    davidcotton, Apr 23, 2006
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