RB250 on Systemdek IIX TT?

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by JamesG, Nov 24, 2005.

  1. JamesG


    Nov 24, 2005
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    My first post here, so still getting used to the ropes.

    I recently took a punt on a Systemdek IIX on ebay (£62) and was very pleased to hear that it sounded quite a bit better than I was expecting, better than my 1997 vintage Planar2 in fact. It has come with a Linn Basik Plus arm and a Linn Basik cartridge. I have already upgraded that to a low hours Linn K9 and it's sounding superb.

    Dilemma is, do I sell my mint Planar2 as it stands and plump for a 2nd hand RB300, or do I cannabalise the arm from it (RB250)as i know its history and sell the remainder for a few bob on ebay.

    Finally, any other tips for the Systemdek. I have levelled the suspension, and of course it sounds much better now it's cleaned ;)

    JamesG, Nov 24, 2005
  2. JamesG

    Sid and Coke

    Jun 19, 2003
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    East Coast Scotland
    Sound like you've got yourself a huge bargain there, well done.
    If you don't need to sell the Rega straight away for the cash then I'd make a new arm board for the Systemdek/Rega combo ( Use MDF, or Conti-Board from B&Q) , then fit your RB250 and see what it sounds like.
    The Arm geometry for the Linn arm and the Rega arm are different BTW, which is why i suggest fabricating a new Rega arm board. All you need to do is get the corrrect thickness ( or very similar) of material and then draw around the old one, then cut it out. Obviously you will then need to mount the blank armboard and accurately mark out where to cut the new arm pillar hole , I think this needs to be something like 223mm from the centre spindle, however do some research and look into this as i'm not 100% about this measurement

    Systemdeks have been sold with both Linn/Systemdek arms and Rega arms so both will work with the correct armboard.

    I used to own a iiX a few years ago , however mine was fitted with a Systemdek 'Profile' Tonearm... I think they are great decks and look to be very 'tweakable' if you like fiddling and meddling...
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2005
    Sid and Coke, Nov 24, 2005
  3. JamesG

    lordsummit moderate mod

    Jun 19, 2003
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    In the Northern Wastelands
    Your best move would be to put the RB250 on, and sell the planar, you may well get £100. Then spend the money on decent cart, if you can do MC the Denon 103 is my favourite, an absolute bargain at £100, if not then try and find one of the high output Ortofons the MC3 is sometimes available for that sort of money.
    Believe me the K9 is a very unrefined cart, much adored by Linnies for it's PRaT, but compared to a decent needle is a scratchy, horrible thing. You'll probably get a decent price on ebay for that as well, so you might have a little left over or some christmas money to do some of the Origin live mods to the RB250.

    That's what I'd do anyway;)
    By the way welcome to the forum
    lordsummit, Nov 24, 2005
  4. JamesG


    Jun 7, 2004
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    What Lordsummit said.

    Nice deck the systemdek. You'll be pleased as punch with it if you pop a nice cart on the end.
    Bradders, Nov 24, 2005
  5. JamesG


    Apr 26, 2005
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    I would sell the Planar 2 as is... It will be a MUCH easier sell than the version without arm. The RB300 will not be THAT much different from the Linn Basik arm.

    I'd suggets also selling the K9 and getting a Denon DL-103 as suggested with the Planar 2 and K9 money.
    Garmt, Nov 24, 2005
  6. JamesG

    Uncle Ants In Recordeo Speramus

    Dec 5, 2003
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    East Midlands
    Hi James,

    Good purchase :) For some reason the Systemdek IIX and IIX900s are much under valued in the UK. Excellent decks IMO - and for once a suspended deck with a sensible and easy to adjust design. Not the least surprised it beat a P2 - its in a league above I'd say.

    Me? I'd make an armboard and try the RB250 off the P2 and see if you like it better than the Linn. If so then sell the P2 with arm and buy a secondhand RB250 or 300 ... or keep the arm and sell the armless P2.

    TBH there's not much in it a P2 with arm seems to fetch not a lot more than the arm on its own on ebay ... might be worth taking the bearing/platter and the motor/switch and selling them seperately - you'll get more than if you sold as a bundle ... seems a bit of sad end for a good deck though and a secondhand RB250 isn't as risky a proposition as some other arms secondhand (and Rega will fix it for free if it has a problem).
    Uncle Ants, Nov 24, 2005
  7. JamesG

    7_V I want a Linn - in a DB9

    Aug 7, 2003
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    Great Missenden, Bucks
    Not what you were saying a couple of months ago. :D

    You could add that they're prone to mould when left for several months in a damp garage. How's it going by the way?
    7_V, Nov 24, 2005
  8. JamesG

    Uncle Ants In Recordeo Speramus

    Dec 5, 2003
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    East Midlands
    Ah, but then you didn't see how beautifully they clean up - like spanky new. Seriously the IIX was so nice I was almost tempted to keep it. I was very impressed with the way it was screwed together. They fetch very good prices in Germany and Italy for some strange reason :D ... actually not that strange, maybe the Germans and Italians know something we Brits don't seem to.

    More than can be said for Thorens decks, which after a few months in a speaker designers garage seem to mostly turn into pieces of junk ;)

    Things aren't so bad. I'll email when I get a chance.
    Uncle Ants, Nov 24, 2005
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