Recommend me a pre-amp

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by mjp200581, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. mjp200581


    Feb 14, 2011
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    I'm coming to the conclusion that my control amp/pre amp is probably the weak link in my system and could be holding the other components back.

    This is my system:

    Thorens TD125mk2 with SME 3009 (type 2 improved) Ortofon M20 FL super

    Trichord Research Dino mk2 (soon to get home-made upgraded PSU)

    CD: Modified Arcam Alpha 5 and Creek CD60

    Pre-amp: Linn Kolektor

    Power amps: Bi-amping with Linn LK140's (very last version with all updates)

    Speakers: AOS Studio 100 XL (big transmission lines with ATC woofers and Scanspeak mids and tweeters)

    It must have a remote control for volume (sorry but I'm lazy) and it must have at least 4 inputs.

    I had a budget of up to around £400 in mind and I'm more than happy to go down the second hand route.

    I have been looking for a good used Linn Kairn, preferably an early one with a transformer power supply but maybe there are better options.

    Suggestions please.....
    mjp200581, Apr 14, 2013
  2. mjp200581

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    Kairn is excellent and the Wakonda was also pretty good.
    Those will match the Linn power amps well.

    Otherwise the Cyrus Pre (the original one) is a superb design.
    I used one many years ago and Simon runs one now so hopefully he'll chip in since he put one through some tests recently. Probably find a clean one for £100.

    Very nice MM phono input on it too + full remote.

    Otherwise I'd propose going down a different track and looking at something like a Croft pre amp. One of the older Super Micro range with built-in MM tube phono stage. This will give you a quite different presentation - a bouncier, fleshier sound than the strictly neutral Linn and Cyrus units. Croft phono sections are excellent and I'd wager you could sell the Dino with this option. No remote though - and two volume controls :)
    RobHolt, Apr 15, 2013
  3. mjp200581

    Tenson Moderator

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Kent, UK
    Yes the Cyrus 'Pre' is very good, a real statement product to show what they could do at the time. Distortion is super low, both THD and IMD and channel balance is spot on with the servo controlled analog pots. What's more the design is made to maintain balanced signals all the way though if available rather than just convert to single-ended. The only element that is better in today's units is S/N which is 98dB in the Pre. Today you might find more like 110dB. Still, I can't hear any added hiss even with my ear beside the tweeter so I don't think it matters much. The fact you can get these for £100 is stupendous.

    However, I often think the area people need to improve is acoustics, with physical treatments or DSP or both. Your current pre-amp is very good already so this will likely bring you more satisfaction. If you want something to read, have a look at the acoustics info in the articles section
    Tenson, Apr 15, 2013
  4. mjp200581


    Feb 14, 2011
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    Thanks for the input.

    I do like the very neutral Linn sound and I've been very happy with the various Linn amps that I've owned (majik, LK85, LK140's, Kolektor) so a Kairn would seem a fairly safe bet if I can find a good one for sensible money.

    I just read all of those acoustics articles. Food for thought.
    mjp200581, Apr 15, 2013
  5. mjp200581


    Feb 14, 2011
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    Just for the record I bought a used Linn Kairn Pro last week and very nice it is too!

    The Kolektor isn't a million miles behind though. Too many people seem to dismiss them as only the entry level Linn Pre amp (myself included up until last week). I reckon the Kolektor represents a serious bargain second hand.
    mjp200581, May 14, 2013
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