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Currently listening/being force-fed Brucker's fifth by SWMBO.
I hate Bruckner. He bored for Germany. His concept of music is diddly diddly CRESCENDO ad Inf. Humourless, bombastic, predictable, soulless, utterly boring and sans merit.
HOwever, a bit later I will be listening to:
Alpha061 Captain Tobias Hume -- the passion of musick as performed by Nima Ben David
Alpha057 Antoine Boesset -- je meurs sans mourir as performed by Vincent Dumestre and Le Poeme Harmonique
Ensemble Gilles Binchois -- Cantigas de Santa Maria (ambroisie AMB9973) A wonderful album featuring beautiful singing and a spectacularly good percussionist.
+plus a bunch of Arab music no one here would be the slightest bit interested in