[Review] Dc turntable mods.

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Lt Cdr Data, Jul 5, 2005.

  1. Lt Cdr Data

    Lt Cdr Data om

    Jun 24, 2003
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    away from the overcrowded south
    Dc turntable mods.

    ok, after a monster phonostage comparison, I am currently playing with step up transformers.

    But that's for another time.

    A very fortuitous ebay purchase a couple of months ago has allowed an interesting experiment.

    I currently have a nad533 record deck, which is a planar 2, but with a wood!! platter. I am using an ol modded rb250, and an ortofon mc15 superii cart. which is superb for not alot.

    Anyway my purchase was a rega planar 2, with ol arm!! ortofon mc15 cart.

    pretty good eh, but wait, this one has the dc motor mod with the advanced sexy silver switch box, acrylic platter, and heavy record clamp.

    Sadly no original box, so my bro kindly brought it up north from london.

    Its allowed me to do an interesting comparison.

    Using my sting lp as a reference, the results were interesting.

    I found the dc motor sounded more mechanical, vocals were actually better separated and a quieter background up top.

    but the dynamics were killed, the bass and drums, whilst being more solid, were robotic and lifeless. I think the bass seemed more rolled off, too, lighter.

    I tried the acyrilic platter next, and that gave the same kind of 'colouration', more cd like, and I preferred the wood.

    Next up was a glass platter, which I liked best of the lot.

    Next was a ringmat, costing £70, this to my ears did absolutely nothing at all, big disillusionment here.

    Finally, the heavy platter weight, took a bit, but drums punch harder, bass definately improves, without it the rega is a bit lethargic in comparison, but it does take careful listening, to my ears doesn't affect the upper and mid ends and imaging/instrumental tone.

    Interesting stuff, personally, I prefer AC. DC makes it more cd like, slightly more extended and clinical at the top end.

    To summarise, origin live make great claims for the dc motor and regulator, further to this, its a bit disappointing, as I have found out the black reg. box for your £200 plus extra only has 2 extra caps and 4 schottky diodes, that saying the least is extremely expensive, also an extra transformer, costs £160 again which is typcially 8 times the retail price, a huge margin there, way too much imo.

    But soundwise, I would have been miffed if I had been persuaded to upgrade to dc and found that difference, I could see it being a case of personal preference, both are different, but don't believe the DC hype, good ol fashined AC is still great. I would actually rate ac superior, the music flowed better, not the first time I have heard a bright robotic mechanical colouration on vinyl, the last time was a michell gyrodek, DC IIRC!!

    AS an aside, I do think OL's mods to rega arms are more worthwhile, particularly the arm cable, but avoid the phono plugs, £70 for a pair!!! again gross overpricing.
    I am vascillating as to the end stubb mod now.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2005
    Lt Cdr Data, Jul 5, 2005
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