[Review] MF a324 DAC...

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by mr cat, Sep 12, 2005.

  1. mr cat

    mr cat Member of the month

    Jul 31, 2003
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    MF a324 DAC...

    ok,got my new DAC from ebay on friday evening...

    I say friday evening as I asked the seller if it was gonna be delievered mon-fri then to send it at my work, otherwise send it to my house....it got delivered to my house (by DHL) but I wasn't in and he left it with a neighbour :eek: anyway, I trust him, but I didn't think this would happen!

    so, I was suitably wasted by the time it came, and my first impression was wow...I played Chicanes 'Behind the Sun' and track 1 - 'Overture'...yeah, I felt blown away...

    the scale and seperation of the music really impressed me.

    the next day when I was sober - I played some more tracks, while there isn't day and night difference between this and the x-act I'm still very happy with it...

    the dac itself, it bigger than I expected, it's bigger than my cd player! and with the gold trim, it does look a bit 70's too, but the blue lights compensate that...!
    mr cat, Sep 12, 2005
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