[Review] MOnarchy SM 70 - Pro

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by dreftar, Feb 19, 2006.

  1. dreftar


    Jan 3, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Shetland Islands
    MOnarchy SM 70 - Pro

    Got my new amp on Friday, connected it up to my Elac 301s, Tag McLaren PA10 pre amp, and Marantz CD 63SE. It didnt take too long to warm up infact later on in the evening we had to turn down the central heating - you could have fried an egg on it. At first I listened to a few of my favourite CDs - DAmien Rice O, Kelly Joe Phelps, MIles Davis, Jacques Loussier. First impressions werent that great - everything was there, clear, detailed, bass was tight and well controlled - Its not easy to get a sense of realism in the bass area from the Elacs. The high end was soft and very much there. At first it seemed to shout at you and my poor old brain had difficulty integrating all the sound information and making sense of it. NOt the most musical of amps.

    A longer session today and it started to grow on me the high end is detailed, clear but has a soft edge that makes it sound very musical. Strings have an edge and I can now hear the emotion in the voice of the singer so much more clearly. Bass is now superb (well considering the speakers). Dynamics are very good. When Kelly Joe hit the scratch board on his guitar I jumped and spilled my tea.

    I am about to try experimenting with speaker positioning to improve the coherance of the sound stage.

    I found that I am inclined increase the volume with this amp and play music louder and louder, so far the neighbours havent complained and I havent detected any clipping or blown the fuses!

    My wife spent much of the day in the kitchen, however.

    I knew it was loud when she appeared with a cup of tea and had to yell at me to get attention during a fairly quiet piece in Kelly Joe Phelps - Shine Eyed Mr Zen

    The jury is still out on the amp but Id like to get another to run it as a mono bloc - but my birthday is not until October!
    dreftar, Feb 19, 2006
  2. dreftar

    Tenson Moderator

    Nov 12, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Kent, UK
    Bloody good amp IMO :) Where did you buy?
    Tenson, Feb 19, 2006
  3. dreftar


    Jan 3, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Shetland Islands
    Got it on Ebay from CASTLE SOUND & VISION - new. Have read all the reviews etc and it seems to provide an easy upgrade path and ability to drive the complex load presented by my speakers - Perhaps I should have changed them -- but She who must be obeyed actually likes them!! (the form that is not interested in function!)
    dreftar, Feb 19, 2006
  4. dreftar


    Jan 3, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Shetland Islands
    JUst received two CDs complimentary from Castle Sound and vision and i am impressed: The dynamics, clarity and easy of listening. Perhaps my ears are adjusting or is it just the capacitors etc wakening up. Anyway drove the amp fairly hard and for 25 wattts Im amazed. I drove my Elacs at louder and cleaner SPLs than my Quad 405 (much tinkered with - upgraded) and said to deliver 100 watts - How can this be? Could it be the complex load of the Elacs just didnt suit the aging but much loved quad 405, now doing sterling service on my computer system.
    dreftar, Feb 20, 2006
  5. dreftar


    Jan 3, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Shetland Islands
    Ordered another

    I have burned some more plastic and ordered another Sm Pro 70. I am totally spaced out by this little amp. I used to think all the talk of burn in was just talk, but this little amp just get better and better. They dont seem to run as hot now and the upper mid to top is so sweet, its totally liveable. Imaging has improved and also the abilty to reproduce music a lower than Id like to listen to levels is out standing.

    When She is out and I can actually listen I keep shaking my head and saying its only 25 watts per channel in utter disbelief!!

    Damien Rice and Dire Straits are on the most favoured list. Jacques Loussier still tops tho.
    dreftar, Mar 2, 2006
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