[Review] New amplification- the search is over

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by kgb144, Jul 12, 2005.

  1. kgb144


    Jun 14, 2005
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    Ayrshire, Scotland
    New amplification- the search is over

    Hi there,

    I thought I would share with you my recent experiences when selecting new amplification for my system. I was running a classic Naim 72/APX2/140 and generally happy with the overall sound. However, during a visit to a couple of friends I heard an old valve system (tweaked) and was entranced by the air and space it developed, albeit at the expense of pace and rhythm and a softer sound than I was used to. I then had the opportunity to hear a Sugden system and again thought the sound more natural and realistic than my Naim system but still a little soft for my liking. After this I returned to my Naim system but found the sound was glassy and hard and did not have the natural realism I had heard earlier.

    I was on a fairly limited budget and tried to listen to as much as possible but never heard anything that really made me sit up and listen. I finally arrived at the Audio Salon in Glasgow and after relating my tale to Dale he recommended two amps both within my budget; the Pathos Classic One and the Unison Research Unico, both hybrid integrated designs. The Audio Salon also stocks my current speakers, Proac Tablette Reference 8 Signatures, and could offer these to demonstrate the amplification. At fairly short notice I made arrangements to hear them and arrived with some CDs I had in the car, so not my usual well known and tried test discs.

    First up was the Pathos Classic One. A beautifully made and presented amp, 70W and upgradeable by adding another amp in bridged mono to give 140W output. The amp is very pretty looking and sounding with air and space but the control and power of a transistor. At the price I was amazed. As I listened I became aware of a very lean bass, good pitch and time, but lean nonetheless. Other than that not a lot wrong. It was the nearest I had heard to what I was looking for but still it did not have me completely hooked. In addition I would need to add a phono stage.

    Second up was the cheaper Unison Research Unico amp. Again an integrated hybrid, utilising a valve pre-stage and a transistor output providing 80W. Simple and restrained looking it did not have the visual impact of the Pathos. But start it up and what a revelation; sweetness, air, grace, delicacy, power, rhythm, timing and great fun. This amp was beating the Pathos and my Naim gear into a cocked hat. I started to look for the sub-woofer in the room as the deep funky bass lines let rip from the mini monitor speakers. I could not believe my ears. And then a very strange thing happened, I started to think my ears were being conned. I could not believe that the Unico was capable of doing what I was hearing.

    Remember I was used to an admittedly old but still well regarded Naim pre/power combo that cost well over twice what this little amp did. I said I would think it over and left with probably more questions than answers. That night I searched the internet on both amps and looked back through old issues of hi-fi mags in case there was something I had missed. By now I had sold my Naim gear and keen to replace it as quickly as possible. The next day I saw, by chance, a copy of Sam Tellig's review of the Unico SE (next model up) in Stereophile and he was as impressed with it as I had been of the Unico.

    After a few days I telephoned Dale at The Audio Salon and asked for another demonstration, this time with my tried and tested discs. I returned and again listened to the Pathos first. A delightful amp with real grace but the lean bass was again clear to hear and other than that I would probably have bought it.

    We then changed over to the Unison Research Unico. What can I say, everything I heard the first time round was still there. A more complete musical picture I could not have hoped for. If you want PRAT it has it in bucketfuls. If you want to hear macro-dynamics, an expression I really never understood until now, you have it. Power and authority in spades and boy could it make those speakers sing. It can rock and roll, produce realistic percussion, give female vocals that sweet ethereal sound and set a wide and deep soundstage. It has the very best of valves space, grace and transparency with the very best of transistors power, authority and grip.

    And then I did the really stupid thing. Remembering the Stereophile review I asked Dale, “If the Unico is so good, what is the Unico SE like?†The Unico SE is the next model up from the Unico and is based on the same hybrid integrated design. 140W output with increased transformers and an inbuilt phono stage.

    What is it like? It is everything the Unico is and more. It has power and authority that grip the speakers and extract every last musical drop. I can honestly say that apart from systems costing many tens of thousands of pounds I have never heard its match anywhere. It must be the biggest hi-fi bargain of the century. Problem! It is over my budget for amplification but within my overall budget for amplification and speaker cable. What to do, take the Unico and buy reasonable quality speaker cable or go for the Unico SE and buy some cheap cable till funds permit. It was so good I bought the Unico SE on the spot. I did buy some cheap speaker cable and will tell that story another time.

    A word of thanks to Dale and Jack at The Audio Salon. These guys really know their stuff and are passionate about what they sell. They never once tried to rubbish the other amps I listened to and always left me the time and space I needed to listen.

    The Unico SE has been in my system now for just over four weeks and I still marvel at the sound picture it creates. If six months ago someone had told me I would have bought an Italian integrated hybrid amplifier I would have laughed in their face. What the Unico SE has done is taken me closer to the music and other than spending really silly money I do not see me changing my amplifier for many years to come. Am I pleased, you bet, and if you are in the market for new amplification (whatever the cost) have a listen and see if you could grab an undoubted bargain and spend the rest on new music.

    Happy listening,

    kgb144, Jul 12, 2005
  2. kgb144


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Nice review, thanks.
    Sounds worth making to hear one of those.
    Mr_Sukebe, Jul 12, 2005
  3. kgb144


    Dec 31, 2005
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    My turn to select wisely now.

    I found this review of yours very useful, and would still like to know if you think the Unico is performing fantastically now you have owned it for some months?

    My own experience with valve amplification is good and bad. Good when I tried the my father's old Leak Stereo 20 - in fact excellent! And very bad when I tried a Unison Research S2K - terrible. I was shocked to find that a very old Leak Stereo 20 could stomp all over a Year 2000 modern valve design. In fact the UR S2K sounded far worse than any enthusiast's separates amplifier I have heard to date.

    My current system comprises Arcam Alpha 6 CD player, Sugden Audition pre-power amplifier, and Triangle Comete loudspeakers. When swapping out the Audition power for the Leak Stereo 20 I noticed superbly sweet treble, excellent bass, fantastic mid-range, altogether a room filling musical sound. Probably did not sound accurate, but I did not care because the sound was so beguiling and musical. I don't like an analytical sound which tends to be ruthless to less than perfect recordings.

    To cut a long story short, these are the priorities in the soundscape I am looking for...

    Power and authority
    Great Fun

    Which is just how you described your chosen amplifier above. And hopefully all the above is achieveable with my current Arcam Alpha 6 and Triangle Comete speakers - because I don't have the budget to replace any more than one piece of equipment at this stage.

    These are not on the priority soundscape list...

    Ruthlessly revealing detail
    Clean and clinical.

    I would also expect the amplifier to have a remote control for the volume (sorry, but this is the only convenience I am looking for in case there are any adament purists out there)

    Seeing you have the same taste as mine, and same budget as mine (up to £1000), I am hopeful you are still keen on your decision. Or in fact you may have learnt of worthy alternatives by now you could perhaps shortlist for me.

    I will probably audition the Unico, and the Synthesis. I have heard excellent things about the Synthesis range (again Italian) and I hear from my local dealer that they are going to bring out a 30 Watt pure class A design within my budget; this is not a hybrid however (http://www.synthesis.co.it).

    Let's hope Unison Research as a company has "dramatically" improved it's amplifiers seeing as they were responsible for the awful sounding S2K. If it wasn't for you endorsement of the Unico I would not have touched Unison Research with a barge pole! But I am willing to forgive and forget.

    Incidently, I was considering changing the CD Player earlier on - and thinking of trying the Quad 99 CD-P (£1000) - which is Quad's version of a CD player with remote controllable digital pre-amp built in - I could then plumb this straight into the Sugden Audition power amp. I now think in my system that the amplifier will yeild the greatest improvement. I am not willing to spend unless I hear an obvious and distinct improvement over what I have now.
    cdgeorge, Jan 3, 2006
  4. kgb144


    Jun 14, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Ayrshire, Scotland

    Thanks for your kind comments on my earlier post. It is now almost 6 months since I bought the amp and I still have a grin on my face every time I use it. After about 3 or 4 months the sound really opened up and the soundstage gained width and depth. It still takes about 10-15 minutes from power on to really sound its best but when warmed up I believe it is incomparable for the money.

    If I had to summarise it I would say it has pace, grace, grip and fun. I am sure it will meet or exceed all of your criteria and is certainly not hard, glassy or metallic in the way I found my Naim gear to be. It is very transparent and does show up even very small changes in my source equipment (see yesterday's post about a turntable mat).

    Last night I listened to the Tord Gustavsen Trio and could believe I was there in the hall. Air and delicacy with the piano in particular sounding very real. In real life I often hear a piano having two voices and did again on the recording last night. At New Year we had a party and it boogied along as well as my Naim combo.

    Finally, I was in at the audio Salon to buy a new interconnect and Jack asked me how I was getting on with the new amp. After I told him how much I was enjoying it he admitted that unless I wanted to spend in excess of £10k there was little else that he could suggest that would comprehensively better the Unico SE, in fact he now had difficulty selling pricier gear once customers heard the amp.

    I cannot recommend the Unico SE high enough to you. It should be on any demo list in this price range and above.

    Kind regards,

    kgb144, Jan 3, 2006
  5. kgb144


    Jan 2, 2006
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    I had a similar response to yours when I first heard the UNICO, sounded unbelievable!! Bought the UNICO line and UNICO CD (the combo work very well). Enjoying every second of it! Excellent value for money. Using the Dynaudio temporarily, Sonus Faber sounds magical with the UNICO. Try it out sometime.

    KASH, Apr 27, 2006
  6. kgb144


    Nov 30, 2003
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    Funny, a few years ago a friend and I both had the chance to listen to the UR Unico and compare it to our Naim Nait-2.

    In the end we both still prefered the Nait-2.
    (and not by a small margin)

    Perhaps it was due to the standard tubes. I heard they're not the best, and changing them for some other (forgot brand/type) would bring worthy improvement.

    Anyway, we both thought the Nait-2 was more open, detailed and less soft.
    The Unico did have more control over power hungry speakers.

    Alco :)
    Alco, Aug 4, 2006
  7. kgb144


    Jun 14, 2005
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    Ayrshire, Scotland
    It is just over one year since my original post and the sound I have now is even better than when I first bought it. It does seem to need a lengthy break-in period but I can listen to my system for hours without fatigue. The Unico SE has brought me so much pleasure for a very reasonable outlay, I still maintain it is an audiophile bargain. Everyone who listens to the system are simply amazed, so musical, so clear, so footapping, so right.

    I have no doubt the Nait is and excellent product but a Nait on its own is of little use. A system of compatible and collaborative parts is what is required. For me I have found it!, going to spend the rest on software!
    kgb144, Aug 6, 2006
  8. kgb144


    Nov 30, 2003
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    You're absolutely right.

    Also, I must confess I demoed the standard Unico, not the SE version, and it probably wasn't fully broken in either.

    Eventhough I love the Nait, and have a soft spot for most Naim products, I also think that the Unico represents good value.

    I think it's also just a matter of personal taste and preference in sound.

    Enjoy the music! :)

    Alco, Aug 6, 2006
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