[Review] TCI Viper

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by cookiemonster, Aug 14, 2003.

  1. cookiemonster


    Jun 19, 2003
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    TCI Viper

    ...from the peculiarly titled True Colour Industries:


    Well this thing does exactly what it says on the tin, and has induced more of a change than i have ever had the pleasure of witnessing with I/c's before (which usually isn't very much at all). My previous i/c between Dac and amp was a Cable Talk Professional 3 which has been resident for over a year. So i thought it was about time to try a few alternatives. So i got the TCI Viper to try out - i got the one with the locking RCA plugs (they also do balanced versions)

    Has anyone tried any of the products from this company??

    I don't have the time or inclination to right a proper review, but hence to say, this baby more than anything else it does IMO, adds bucket loads in the bass departments. It is now tighter than ever, but full, and oodles of slam. It makes the CT seem a bit flabby in comparison. Dynamics are also better, particularly apparent as the bass notes penetrate from the music floor and thunder into your chest. But also noticeable is better microdynamics, with plucked strings and other instruments having an improved sense of attack. On prolonged listening it is apparent that there is previously unheard detail - but this is only slight. Imaging is improved and instruments seem more delineated and focused . And overall the whole ensemble just seems a lot cleaner and transparent. It presents less bloom than the Cable Talk and is slightly more forward, but then it is better in so many other areas, that honestly, i no longer tend to notice this aspect. It could possibly be a touch too aggressive for some too, but i like the added involvement.

    The only drawback potentially in the context of my system, is that this has compounded what was already a somewhat heavy presentation. But the bass is so powerful, fast and tight with great impact, that honestly the fact that it is obvious that i am listening to recorded music and that the tonal balance is not brilliant, does not detract at all. I like its general aggressive and musical nature, though it may not be to everyones tastes.

    The TCI will replace the Cable Talk for now.

    Interestingly, the TCI is slightly cheaper than the Cable Talk.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2003
    cookiemonster, Aug 14, 2003
  2. cookiemonster


    Jun 20, 2003
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    Hum not a resounding endorsment, but thats more than the makers should deserve?

    For the £60-00 you could have built one of my 4n silver IC's kits, fitted with Eichmann Bullets. These for me sound superb, huge spacious images deep base, mids and treble to die for.

    Others comments....

    MrSukebe...............on the zerogain forum
    What I do know is that I now have a run-in custom cable that happily and easily outperformed the Chord cobra 2 cable between my VRDS-7 and Nait 5/hicap.

    I put in a write up elsewhere, but just to clarify the differences I'd suggest the following was true:
    - Slightly more detail
    - Bit faster on everything
    - Deeper bass
    - simply more musical
    Just goes to show what a little hard work, perseverance and experimentation can.


    On an aside, had fun last night, the previous night i had removed the L'argent and put the original IC back for comparison. Last night i was listening and thought it didnt sound right, i was listening to a chilli peppers album and to my mind they seem thinly recorded. I reached round the back and with trepidation put the L'argent back in. I thought it may be a bad idea with a thin sounding album, but oh my god. i was somewhat taken aback. the voices sounded real and everything just seemed more balanced and right
    Once again i thank you for introducing me to the L'argent. (now i just need to work out a way to use it on my TT )

    Hope they don't mind being quoted !
    zanash, Aug 14, 2003
  3. cookiemonster

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    not at all mate

    happy to endorse it:)
    penance, Aug 14, 2003
  4. cookiemonster


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Is it more than they should deserve, because of the inflated prices they charge compared to what can be done by a DIYer in the garden shed :rolleyes: . They are operating a profitable business after all. Or do you mean you have tried this cable and don't find it very good?

    Zanash - i paid £18 second hand for a 1.0m TCI Viper in mint condition with locking gold plated RCA's. :MILD: :)

    I buy almost everything s/h.

    As i have said previously, i have neither the time nor inclination for DIY, though i don't doubt the quality and value of such products, and the integrity of their ardent practitioners. :)
    cookiemonster, Aug 14, 2003
  5. cookiemonster


    Jun 20, 2003
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    It was not meant as a disparaging comment!

    I go s/h when the opertunity arises there's nothing wrong with that. I was just saying that for the same new price you could have other alternatives.

    At £18 you got a bargin no doubt about that..........may be the cable needed a forceful endorsment ?

    If you get the opertunity swap the RCA's for bullet and really hear what the cable is cappable of !!

    Shed's......there are people who have garages and call them research and development centres, a company I know has and address of technology house which is a loft space above a garage. At least I make no bones my work space is the Special Hybrid Electronics Development area.
    zanash, Aug 15, 2003
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