Review_Accuphase E-450

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by scott_01, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. scott_01


    Sep 1, 2005
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    Hi there.

    I've had this amp for a couple of weeks now and thought I'd share my thoughts. Please remember, this is in my system, My room and of course with my ears. So judge accordingly. I hope I haven't had a dose of the 'gregory's'*

    I acquired this amp to replace an E-212 which I bought on this forum about 15 months ago. The E-212 was a temporary replacement for some Crimson 640D monos which had a 'moment'. However I liked the sound and stayed with it.

    Since buying it I've moved house and this has brought it's own problems, (see the thread in DIY for more details on that).

    My main problem with the old system were:

    Even with room treatment was a perceived lack of control in the bass and a definite harshness in the upper treble. There was also to my mind a lack of 'naturalness', the Mid range didn't seem quite 'real'. This may be reflecting my own need for a bit of coloration, if so then so be it.

    I had the opportunity to purchase the E-450 and in something of a moment of madness I did so. Not the most prudent decision I've ever made but I was swayed by the following factors:

    1. I wanted some more power to see what the Revels could do.

    2. They have a great reputation and I like the 'house sound'

    3. The build is peerless, the facilities numerous and I can use the pre and power sections independently.

    4. I was in Singapore at the time and got it for less than the UK retail price. (okay, this was the biggest :D).


    Key specs are:

    180w @ 8Ohms
    2 x BNC inputs
    4 x RCA inputs
    2 x Option board slots (for DAC / Phono stage)
    AAVA Non - invasive volume control.

    The blurb is:

    Build / Appearance

    You either love or loathe the appearance so I am told. I have always loved the look of these things. The build quality is immaculate (and so it should be for the price).

    The supplied remote gives basic facilities, source switching and volume as well as Accuphase CD player control. This is the only bit I'd quibble about. Source level matching would be good to have and the remote is a bit cheap when compared with my 'lowly' CA840 one.

    It looks like this:


    And this with the panel down to reveal, Mono Switch, Speaker switches A / B, Pre-Out Bass / Treble etc:



    Remembering my previous problems I connected the amp up genuinely not sure If I'd just spanked my cash for no reason.

    A. On first switch on it sounded impressive, bigger sound stage and cleaner across the range.

    B. It seemed to improve incrementally across the range for the next 8 hours.

    C. I had to compare it within 72 hours, before I forgot all about my old kit :D This is what I heard:

    It really firmed up the bass, I am sure it didn't limit the bass extension but it certainly controlled those woofers with loads more authority. There was less hangover of individual bass notes and less congestion in the lower bass. The James Brown track below is a good test of bass response IMHO. It kicked along nicely; there was no slackness in the timing yet it still delivered a bass line with great tone and impact, (well, as much impact as you get from a pair of stand mount 2 ways :D). My foot was tapping like a Linn Dealer at an LP12 roadshow.

    Mid Range
    This was a much more natural performance than I was accustomed to. However, I still heard some 'greyness' in there. I don't know what this is or how to describe it. Perhaps its the ability to get the timbre of voices right. I'm not usually an 'analist' about these things, but I did notice it on the Doves and Aretha. This really cleared up with the Harbeths in the system and I think this is a lot to do with the speakers. A minor point maybe but still one I noticed. It is probably worth pointing out here, that I think this is partly a room effect. There is an echo effect on some voice recordings that is still there with the Harbeths but which cleared up during a quick demo with a Lyngdorf RP1.

    I was most surprised with the scope of the improvement here. I'd expected better bass and taken for granted improved mid range due to the lower register change. However, the treble was much cleaner and more listenable. The Aretha Franklin LP is a tad bright on occasion, recorded live in a church with a full band and choir. Her voice does have remarkable range but Christ could it sound brittle at times with the previous set up. The E-450 really tamed this, it didn't totally remove it and I needed to insert the Harbeths to really get this record sounding like I think it should**. The same goes for the Doves, the climaxes on 'New York' sounded much clearer and less congested. Cymbals on Ceremony were just class. As was that classic bass line too btw.

    The amp made significant difference, whether that be purely through the application of more power or through lowering the S/N ratio I can't say as I haven't compared it with similar amps. It has improved performance across the range. I'm not listening more but I am enjoying it a lot much more. Everything, from Marvin Gaye to The Yeah Yeah Yeahs seems that bit more 'right.

    Would I swap it back? No way. Would I buy more accuphase? Oh yes, but not for a while. I can't see anything bar the E-550 being much better than this in the integrated stakes. It's a well rounded well build piece of kit that plays music well accross formats and frequency bands. It doesn't draw attention to itself nor is it 'soft' or 'sweet' when it shouldn't be IMO.

    Current State of Play
    I've got a very detailed and dynamic system. It has great sound staging and bass impact (for the driver size). It does perhaps lack a touch of involvement that for me at least would be nice. I attribute this squarely at the speakers. This sounds harsh as they are technically very impressive, flexible (tweeter adjustment / port level adjustment) and well built. Ultimately they are maybe not quite to my taste with the equipment I currently have. That said, I could happily live with this if I hadn't heard any better, if I had to give them a % I'd give them about 75 - 80%....Still the best I'd heard in my rooms prior to this mind you.

    Where now? I don't want to fall into the serious box-swapper mentality but I did audition some Harbeth SHLS5 monitors for an afternoon. They really impressed in the areas that matter to me; while not requiring any significant compromises in other places (compared with the Revels), more on this later....

    Finding myself with the opportunity to purchase the E-450


    Amp: Accuphase E-450
    CD Player: Cambridge CA840C, Modded, used in Balanced Mode only
    TT: Technics SP10MKII w/Obsidian Base, Dynavector DV505, Einstein / EMT TU2 Cart.
    Phono Stage: Anatek MC1, custom adjusted for TU2.
    a. Revel M22 Performas - 99% of the time.
    b. Harbeth HLS5 - For an afternoon.

    Mains - Isotek thingy and a Zanash Power cord, BTW, not much difference with this in or out on a quick A/B, there certainly IS with the E-212. Maybe a better power supply helps here?

    Doves - The Last Broadcast - 'New York', 'Satellites' - CD
    Aretha Franklin - Amazing Grace - 'Wholly Wholly' - LP
    Bob Dylan - Pat Garret and Billy the Kid - 'Main Theme' - LP
    New Order - Substance 1987 - 'Ceremony'
    The Stone Roses - 'I Wanna Be Adored' - CD
    The Stone Roses - 'Shoot You Down' - LP
    James Brown - Hell - 'I Can't Stand It 76' - CD
    The Yeah Yeah Yeahs - 'Phenomenom' - LP
    Marvin Gaye - What's Going On? - 'What's Going On?' - CD+LP

    * 'The Gregory's' n a. An irresistible urge to associate immense, sweeping, life-changing moments to ever more expensive audio equipment. b. The implication that if you don't splash the cash on this you'll never know what enjoying your Phil Collins is all aboot.
    ** Like my Grado RS1's
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2008
    scott_01, Dec 21, 2008
  2. scott_01

    Dev Moderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Ilford, Essex, UK
    I'm truly envious Scott. If I ever sell my Rogue 90, it'll most likely be for an Accuphase (or a Luxman;)).
    Dev, Dec 21, 2008
  3. scott_01

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    a beautifully made amp Scott.

    how can you not love the style of it and those VU meters? what's not to love? :D
    bottleneck, Dec 22, 2008
  4. scott_01

    lbr monkey boy

    Jul 13, 2004
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    In a happy place
    nice write up - very interesting and not a hint of the Gregory's :D
    lbr, Dec 22, 2008
  5. scott_01


    Sep 1, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Thanks guys


    It's as nicely made as your speakers but unfortunately I had no hand in the manufacture.


    For Luxman I'd check out HiFi.Do , when the exchange rate drops mind you. it's down from 200Yen / GPB to 140(or thereabouts).
    scott_01, Dec 22, 2008
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