Iain -
Im suprised that you think that. Not that I dont understand the point of view - u sure you arent smoking naimana leaves? 
My opinion is close to that of Marcos - I listen to something, and the only thing I ask is ... does this make my music sound better?
.. and thats better as in more enjoyable, more listenable, more like the way it sounds when I play a song in my head when Im walking down the street.
Im not looking for ''the one true light' ... I dont want to be a recording engineer. I want to be a man in his house with a hifi that adds to his listening pleasure.
I wouldnt agree with 'engineering in' a compromise... but correct me if Im wrong Marco please - perhaps you dont think this is a good starting point for putting a system together either, just that two particular components iron out each others flaws?
Asking a question - the Linn LP12 was designed in its original form in the 1970s. In 2003 it is still a very popular model, and world renowned. Who feels that the 'well tempered deck' will attain such a status in 10 years, nevermind 30?
The LP12. Its British, its world famous. Youve gotta love it for that. Its the hifi equivelant of an E type Jag - ideosyncratic, kind of cool, technically a bit behind the times, but still a classic.
